Year 3/4 RSE & PSHE Mixed-age lessons
Bespoke RSE & PSHE lessons tailored to the needs of a mixed-age setting. The lessons follow a 'Cycle A and Cycle B' format to ensure progression of skills across the age range.
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Mixed-age Year 3/4
RSE & PSHE mixed-age lessons
Bespoke RSE & PSHE lessons tailored to the needs of a mixed-age setting. The lessons follow a ‘Cycle A and Cycle B’ format to ensure progression of skills across the age range.
See our RSE & PSHE Long-term mixed-age plan in the link below for more information.
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Y3/4 Cycle A
Learning about how to deal with friendship issues and identifying bullying and its effects, learning about the issues with stereotyping, considering physical and emotional boundaries and who to trust, thinking about how to support someone who has suffered a bereavement.
Lessons: 9
View lessonsLearning about how to stay healthy and how our diet affects our bodies and our teeth, identifying our strengths, learning how to celebrate mistakes and develop a growth mindset, considering how we can increase our happiness.
Lessons: 8
View lessonsLearning about being kind and staying safe online; learning how to identify and deal with cyberbullying; understanding the difference between secrets and surprises; learning how to treat bites and stings; considering who influences our choices; learning about road safety and how to call the emergency services (Y3); thinking about how our bodies change as we go through puberty (Y4)
Lessons: 10
View lessonsLearning about the importance of reusing and recycling; considering groups in the local community; understanding the role of the local council; understanding why we have rules and the consequences of breaking them; knowing about the rights that children have and human rights in general.
Lessons: 6
View lessonsConsidering spending decisions; learning about how to create a budget; recognising that money affects how we feel (Y3) and how we feel when money is lost (Y4); exploring jobs available; learning about gender stereotyping in the workplace.
Lessons: 5
View lessonsThis transition lesson is designed to help pupils with the change that comes from moving year groups. Year 3s consider targets for the following year and Year 4 learn about opportunities and responsibilities that they may face in Y5/6.
Lessons: 1
View lessonY3/4 Cycle B
Learning about how to navigate relationships with friends and how to respond to any problems. Exploring how families are all different but provide love and support and reflecting on how we might view and communicate with others.
Lessons: 9
View lessonsLearning how to look after our teeth, practising visualisation as a way to relax, considering our strengths and future career options, learning how to break down barriers to help us achieve a goal, identifying a range of emotions and understanding the term ‘mental health.’
Lessons: 8
View lessonsLearning how to spot fake emails; understanding the purpose of age restrictions online; evaluating online searches; considering the risks of smoking and the influences that affect our choices; learning how to deal with someone having an asthma attack; learning about road safety and how to call the emergency services (Y3); thinking about how our bodies change as we go through puberty (Y4)
Lessons: 10
View lessonsLearning about the importance of reusing and recycling; considering community groups in the local area; learning about the role of the local council; understanding the value of diversity in a community; understanding their rights as a child; considering different ways to support charities.
Lessons: 6
View lessonsIntroduction to creating a budget and learning about: the emotional impact of money, the spending choices that we make and why and thinking about potential jobs and careers
Lessons: 5
View lessonsThis end-of-year lesson supports children with the transition between year groups. Year 3 pupils create goals to aim for in Year 4, whilst Year 4 pupils consider the strategies that they can use to deal with change.
Lessons: 1
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