Spanish: PD, SMSC and British values

This document explains SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social, and Cultural) development, maps our Spanish units to Ofsted’s SMSC descriptors, and highlights how our units promote British values. It also outlines Ofsted’s Personal development criteria and identifies opportunities for pupil development in each area.

Religion and worldviews: Personal development, SMSC and British values mapping

This document outlines, unit by unit, how our Religion and worldviews curriculum contributes to pupils’ personal development, including SMSC and British values.

Science: Three Is: Intent, implementation and impact

Outlines the intent and rationale behind Kapow Primary’s Science scheme of work as well as how to implement it and how to measure impact.

Religion and worldviews: Three Is: Intent, implementation and impact

Spanish: Three I’s: Intent, implementation and impact

This document outlines the intent and rationale behind Kapow Primary’s Spanish scheme of work, how to implement it and how to measure impact.

History: Three I’s: Intent, implementation and impact

Geography: Intent, implementation and impact

This document outlines the intent and rationale behind Kapow Primary’s Geography scheme of work, how to implement it and how to measure pupil progress and impact.

Computing: Personal development, SMSC and British values mapping

This document explains the meaning of SMSC: Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development and maps our Computing units to Ofsted’s SMSC descriptors. Within this, it also shows which of our units support schools in their promotion of the fundamental British values: Democracy, Rule of law, Individual liberty, Mutual respect and Tolerance of those with different faith and beliefs.

Finally, it shows the Personal development criteria used by Ofsted and which of our lessons and units provide opportunities for pupils to develop in each area.

Revised Art and design: Intent, implementation and impact

This intent, implementation and impact statement accompanies our Revised Art and design scheme (September 2022 onwards).

An intent, implementation and impact statement for your subject summarises what you want the children to learn, how you implement this in the structure of the curriculum and what the outcomes will be from children following the curriculum.

Ideally, your statement will be unique to your school but we have provided this document to explain our subject specialists’ thought process when creating our revised scheme and to be referred to when creating your bespoke Three I’s document.

French: Intent, implementation and impact statement

A document outlining the intent and rationale behind Kapow Primary’s French scheme of work, how to deliver the subject and measure pupils’ progression.

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