French: National curriculum coverage — mixed-age

This document shows where our mixed-age French scheme of work gives coverage of the national curriculum attainment targets for languages. It also shows the link between the Kapow Primary strands and the national curriculum statements.

History: National curriculum coverage — mixed-age

This document shows how schools following our History: Long-term plan —mixed-age are covering the statutory requirements of the national curriculum for History. It also gives guidance about how our History lessons link to other curriculum subjects, to enable schools to plan cross-curricular links effectively.


Please visit our Kapow Primary History page for detailed information on our History curriculum.


To explore the curriculum for pupils, check out:

Geography: National curriculum coverage — mixed-age

This document shows how following our Geography: Long-term plan — mixed-age gives coverage of the national curriculum attainment targets in the Geography curriculum for Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2.

It also shows cross-curricular links with other curriculum subjects to help inform your planning.

Wellbeing: Statutory guidance coverage

This document shows which Wellbeing lessons plans give coverage of the statutory Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education published by the Department for Education. For EYFS (reception) units it shows which Development Matters statements and Early Learning goals each unit is working towards.


Teaching online safety in schools mapping

Ensure that your pupils have the skills and knowledge they need to stay safe online, without adding to your teaching requirements. This document shows how existing Kapow Primary Computing lessons and RSE/PSHE lessons align to the Teaching online safety in schools guidance (non-statutory).

Science: National curriculum coverage

A mapping document showing each of the National curriculum’s statutory attainment targets and which units from our Science curriculum work towards them, broken down into scientific knowledge and understanding and working scientifically.

Religion and worldviews: Religious Education Council curriculum framework coverage

A Religious Education Council curriculum framework coverage mapping document.  This document shows the Religious Education Council’s curriculum framework attainment targets (non-statutory) mapped against Kapow Primary’s Religion and worldviews units.

Spanish: National curriculum coverage

A document mapping units from the Kapow Primary Spanish scheme of work to show full coverage of national curriculum attainment targets.


Computing: National curriculum coverage — condensed

Check which Kapow Primary Computing (condensed version) units correspond to the national curriculum attainment targets for every year group year 1 to year 6. Also includes the ELGs and Development matters statements for EYFS.

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