Spanish: Teacher Knowledge Audit

This audit helps Spanish subject leaders identify gaps in teachers’ Spanish knowledge, facilitating targeted support. It links directly to resources in the Kapow Primary Spanish scheme for effective improvement.

Religion & Worldviews: Teacher Knowledge Audit

This knowledge audit is a valuable resource for leaders in the field of Religion & Worldviews (RE). It helps identify areas where teachers may need support in effectively delivering various aspects of the subject. Additionally, it offers direct links to supporting videos to help increase subject knowledge and confidence.

Science: Teacher Knowledge Audit

This knowledge audit is a practical tool for Science subject leaders. It helps you identify gaps in teachers’ subject knowledge so you can offer targeted support. The audit also includes direct links to resources in the Kapow Primary Science scheme, making it easier to address those gaps effectively.

Geography: Teacher knowledge audit

History: Teacher knowledge audit

RSE & PSHE: Teacher knowledge audit

Design and technology: Teacher knowledge audit

Art and design: Teacher knowledge audit

Music: Teacher knowledge audit

Music teacher knowledge audit relating to the Kapow Primary Music curriculum.

French: Teacher knowledge audit

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