Learning objective

  • To understand that software can be used to work online collaboratively.

Success criteria

  • I understand I can work with a partner

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National curriculum


Pupils should be taught to:

  • Understand

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Before the lesson

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Lesson plan

1: Lesson plan

An area for you to put useful resources from the previous lesson

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Adaptive teaching

Pupils needing extra support

Could have help rephrasing a statement to make it quicker and easier to type.

Pupils working at greater depth

Should be encouraged to type longer and more detailed sentences for either rules or lines in the story.

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Assessing progress and understanding

Pupils with secure understanding indicated by: understanding the need to be thoughtful

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Vocabulary definitions

  • collaborate

    Working with others to achieve a specific goal.

  • document

    Text that is written and stored on a computer.

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Sarah Vaughan

Computing specialist

Sarah has 13 years of experience teaching in a primary school and leading computing.   She now works as a Subject Matter Expert for the NCCE across the East Midlands. In this role, she supports primary schools with bespoke training to develop and…
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