Learning objective

  • To identify how and why some people say thank you by reflecting on personal experience.

Success criteria

  • I can talk about times I have shown

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Religious Education Council Curriculum Framework for RE in England (non-statutory guidance):

  • A3: Explore and

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Before the lesson


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Lesson plan

Recap and recall

Display the Presentation: Word links. Ask a child to choose two cards to click and reveal. Ask the children to tell their partner if the cards link and to explain why or why not.


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Adaptive teaching

Pupils needing support:

Could match the images on page 1 of the Activity: Feeling thankful with the ways of expressing thanks on page 2; should say whether the cards displayed in the Attention grabber have a link or not then listen to their partner’s reason; could have the cards from the Activity: Feeling thankful pre-cut.

Pupils working at greater depth:

Could use page 1 of the Activity: Feeling thankful and discuss what the person in the image might be thankful for and how they are expressing their thanks recording their ideas on sticky notes; could suggest examples of things people might be thankful for and how they might express thanks that they can think of from their own experience; should talk about how being thankful feels making links with their own experiences.


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Assessing progress and understanding

Pupils with secure understanding indicated by: Identifying reasons people may


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Vocabulary definitions

  • appreciate

    To feel thankful for something or towards someone.

  • emotion

    Feelings such as happiness, sadness, joy or fear.


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