Learning objective
- To understand how to stay safe when using the internet.
Statutory guidance
- That the same principles apply to online relationships as to face-to-face relationships, including the importance of respect for others online including when we are anonymous.
- That people sometimes behave differently online, including by pretending to be someone they are not.
- How to consider the effect of their online actions on others and know how to recognise and display respectful behaviour online and the importance of keeping personal information private.
Success criteria
Other links
Before the lesson
Attention grabber
Main event
Pupils needing extra support: Encourage pupils to make a poster detailing the overriding rule that they should tell someone if they feel uncomfortable or think something is wrong.
Pupils working at greater depth: Encourage pupils to use a variety of different word processing tools to make their work more creative and to include additional safety messages.
Wrapping up
Assessing pupils' progress and understanding
In this topic
- Assessment - Y2: Safety and the changing body
- Lesson 1: Introduction to the internet
- Lesson 2: Communicating online
- Lesson 3: Secrets and surprises
- Lesson 4: Appropriate contact: My private parts
- Lesson 5: Appropriate contact: My private parts are private
- Lesson 6: Respecting personal boundaries
- Lesson 7: Road safety
- Lesson 8: Road safety 2
- Lesson 9: Staying safe with medicine