Unit outcomes
Pupils who are secure will be able to:
- Use appropriate vocabulary to describe how they feel and recognise what these different feelings might look like and feel like.
- Describe situations that may provoke certain feelings.
- Use multiple colours to show how they can feel more than one emotion at a time.
- Describe how they would feel in a particular situation and understand that not everyone feels the same.
- Recognise and describe what they are good at and what skills they would like to develop.
- Create a complete ladder detailing achievable steps which work towards their goal.
- Explain what a growth mindset is and use strategies to help stay calm during the tricky challenges.
- Understand how physical activity affects their body and knowing it helps to keep their mind healthy too.
- Describe energetic physical activities that they enjoy.
- Describe the positive effects of relaxation and know there are different ways to relax.
- Know how to use breathing exercises to relax.
- Explain that a healthy diet is when we eat a balance of the right foods and describe some of the consequences that may arise from poor diet choices.
- State what ingredients they can see on a dish and compare them with the food pyramid.
- Understand what helps to keep teeth healthy.
Suggested prior learning
Y1/2 (B): Lesson 1: Understanding my feelings
Y1/2 (B): Lesson 2: Steps to success
Y1/2 (B): Lesson 3: Developing a growth mindset
Y1/2 (B): Lesson 4: Being active
Y1/2 (B): Lesson 5: Relaxation: breathing exercises
Y1/2 (B): Lesson 6: Healthy diet
Y1/2 (B): Lesson 7: Looking after our teeth
Key skills
Year 1
- Exploring
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Key knowledge
Year 1
- To
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Key vocabulary
To see key vocabulary for Year 1 and 2, please see our RSE & PSHE vocabulary list.
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Unit resources
Assessment – RSE & PSHE Y1/2 (B): Health and wellbeing
Assessment resources for this unit. Use
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Unit vocabulary
Vocabulary progression document that outlines the
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Subject resources
RSE & PSHE long-term plans
A suggested order for teaching RSE
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Equipment list
Required equipment for Kapow Primary RSE
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RSE & PSHE: Progression of skills and knowledge documents
Progression documents showing how skills and
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Spreadsheet to record teacher assessments against
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Planning materials for RSE & PSHE
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Cross-curricular opportunities
PSHE Association Programme of Study: Health and wellbeing – ourselves, growing and changing
Science: the importance for humans of exercise, eating the right amounts of different foods, hygiene
Education for a Connected World framework: health, well-being and lifestyle