Teacher's note
Learning objective
- To understand the development of the baby during pregnancy.
Statutory guidance
This lesson goes beyond the teaching requirements of the statutory guidance however the DfE recommends that:
“all Primary schools should have a sex education programme tailored to the age and the physical and emotional maturity of the pupil.
It should ensure both boys and girls are prepared for the changes that adolescence brings and – drawing on knowledge of the human life cycle set out in the National Curriculum for Science – how a baby is conceived and born” (point 67 page 23).
Note that each school can decide its approach to this and parents would have the right to withdraw their children from this lesson.
Success criteria
Non-statutory guidance
Before the lesson
Attention grabber
Main event
Pupils needing extra support: Provide more structured resources for the activity, for example, pictures or sentences to select from, about how a baby develops or items that a baby will and will not need.
Pupils working at greater depth: Provide resources for individual research and ask children to include in their work additional facts they have found out about.
Wrapping up
Assessing pupils' progress and understanding
In this topic
- Assessment - RSE & PSHE Y5/6 (B): Safety and the changing body
- Y5/6 Lesson 1 (Cycle B): Critical digital consumers
- Y5/6 Lesson 2 (Cycle B): Social media
- Y5/6 Lesson 3 (Cycle B): First Aid: Bleeding
- Y5/6 Lesson 4 (Cycle B): First Aid: Basic life support
- YEAR 5 ONLY Lesson 5 (Cycle B): Puberty
- YEAR 6 ONLY Lesson 5 (Cycle B): Physical and emotional changes of puberty
- YEAR 5 ONLY Lesson 6 (Cycle B): Menstruation
- YEAR 6 ONLY Lesson 6 (Cycle B): Conception
- YEAR 6 ONLY Lesson 7 (Cycle B): Pregnancy and birth
- YEAR 5 ONLY Lesson 7 (Cycle B): Emotional changes in puberty