Learning objectives


  • To devise a sundial to tell the time. 

Working scientifically

  • To calibrate and use a sundial to measure time.

Success criteria


  • I can name the parts of a sundial.
  • I

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National curriculum


Earth and space


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Before the lesson


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Lesson plan

Recap and recall

Display slide 1 of the Presentation: Which one is true? Read the two statements. Ask the class to discuss with a partner which statement they agree with and provide evidence for their choice.


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Adaptive teaching

Pupils needing extra support

Could use the Resource: Designing and making a sundial (support) to stick onto a paper plate to make their sundial (some of the times are already marked on to help them with the task of calibrating); could wait for a sunny day to calibrate their sundial with just one time of day.

Pupils working at greater depth

Should compare a wristwatch to a sundial and compose a list of the advantages and disadvantages of each (for example, their sundial does not work when it is cloudy or at night, it cannot be worn and it does not show minutes while a wristwatch usually requires a battery and can only really be used by one person); could choose an extension activity relating to the sundials, day and night or the seasons from the Resource: Stretch and challenge: Earth and space.


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Assessing progress and understanding

Pupils with secure understanding indicated by: naming the parts of a sundial;


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Knowledge outcomes


  • I can name the parts of a sundial, including the face and the gnomon.
  • I can explain how a sundial works; the gnomon is aligned to true north; the Sun causes the gnomon to cast a shadow on the face of the sundial; the hours are marked on the face of the sundial.

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Vocabulary definitions

  • calibrate

    To adjust a device (like a sundial) so that it measures accurately.

  • face

    The flat part of the sundial on which the hours are marked and the gnomon casts its shadow.


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