Collaborative learning
Using a range of tools to work collaboratively in a responsible and considerate way.
- Subjects >
- Computing >
- Lower key stage 2 >
- Year 4 >
- Computing systems and networks: Collaborative learning >
Google: Computing systems and networks: Collaborative learning
Unit outcomes
Pupils who are secure will be able to:
- Understand the need to be thoughtful when working on a collaborative document.
- Use comments to suggest changes to a document and understand how to resolve comments.
- Use a variety of different slide styles to convey information, including images and transitions.
- Create a Google Form with a range of different question types that will provide different types of answers, e.g. text, multiple choice or numerical values.
- Export data to a spreadsheet, highlighting data, using conditional formatting and calculating averages and sums of numbers.
Suggested prior learning
Google: Computing systems and networks 2: Emailing
If your school does not have access to Google, there is also a Microsoft version of this unit.
Lesson 1: Teamwork
- To understand that software can be used to work online collaboratively.
Lesson 2: Sharing a document
- To understand how to contribute to someone else’s work effectively.
Lesson 3: Slide presentations
- To understand how to create effective presentations.
Lesson 4: Google Forms
- To understand how to create and share Google Forms.
Lesson 5: Shared spreadsheets
- To understand how to use a shared spreadsheet to explore data.
Key skills
Key knowledge
Related content
Unit resources
Cross-curricular opportunities
RSE: Respectful Relationships, courtesy and manners.
English: Writing – composition and peer assessment.
Maths: Interpreting data, bar charts and time graphs.