Big Data 1
Understanding the use of big data including barcodes, QR codes, infrared and RFID technologies.
- Subjects >
- Computing >
- Upper key stage 2 >
- Year 6 >
Data handling 1: Big Data 1
Unit outcomes
Pupils who are secure will be able to:
- Understand why barcodes and QR codes were created.
- Create (and scan) their own QR code using a QR code generator website.
- Explain how infrared can be used to transmit a Boolean type signal.
- Explain how RFID works, recall a use of RFID chips, and type formulas into spreadsheets.
- Take real-time data and enter it effectively into a spreadsheet.
- Presenting the data collected as an answer to a question.
- Recognising the value of analysing real-time data.
- Analyse and evaluate transport data and consider how this provides a useful service to commuters.
Suggested prior learning
Data handling: Mars Rover 1
Get startedLessons
Lesson 1: Barcodes
- To identify how barcodes and QR codes work.
Lesson 2: Transmitting data
- To know how infrared waves transmit data.
Lesson 3: RFID
- To recognise how RFID is used.
Lesson 4: Using RFID
- To input and analyse real-world data.
Lesson 5: Transport data
- To analyse and evaluate data.
Key skills
Key knowledge
Related content
Unit resources
Cross-curricular opportunities
Science – recognise that light appears to travel in straight lines
RSE: Online Relationships – the rules and principles for keeping safe online and how to report. How information and data is shared and used online.
Maths: interpret and construct pie charts and line graphs and use these to solve problems. Complete, read and interpret information in tables.