Exploring two of the formal elements of art: shape and tone; children find shapes in everyday objects; use shapes as guidelines to draw accurately from observation; create form and shape using wire and practice shading neatly and from light to dark.
Go to the topic page: Lower KS2 > Year 3 > Formal elements of art
In this collection of lessons children learn and develop their skills in: design, drawing, craft, painting and art appreciation; making a variety of puppets using different materials, completing a drawing from observation, learning the difference between a tint and a shade and creating their own version of a cartoon drawn by a famous illustrator.
Go to the topic page: Lower KS2 > Year 3 > Art and design skills
This topic is ideal for any class studying the Stone Age, or if you’re looking to explore a different style of art or techniques. Experimenting with charcoal, berries, leaves, homemade paints and more, children get a sense of what it was like to create art thousands of years ago and why these pieces were created.
Go to the topic page: Lower KS2 > Year 3 > Prehistoric art
This topic sees the children explore different techniques to be used with materials which can then be applied to any project. They start by learning to investigate different ideas by creating a mood board to work as a visual mind map and source of inspiration. Pupils learn to tie-dye, weave and sew to create a range of effects using fabric, culminating in a finished t-shirt which showcases these skills.
Go to the topic page: Lower KS2 > Year 3 > Craft
Exploring two of the formal elements of art: texture and pattern; pupils develop a range of mark-making techniques, make and use their own textured stamps for printing; draw a ‘flip’ pattern and recreate a famous and ancient geometric pattern.
Go to the topic page: Lower KS2 > Year 4 > Formal elements of art
In this collection of lessons children learn and develop their skills in: design, drawing, craft, painting and art appreciation; creating an optical illusion print, replicating a plate in the famous willow pattern, carving sculptures out of soap, drawing a collection of still life objects, painting and mixing colours like Paul Cézanne and learning about the role of a ‘curator’.
Go to the topic page: Lower KS2 > Year 4 > Art and design skills
The idea behind this topic is to develop children’s ability to analyse, unpick and understand works of art, using inference to suggest what different subjects may be thinking or feeling and predicting what might be happening in a scene and would could happen next. They also have the opportunity to create their own photo collages and abstract art inspired by the work explored.
Go to the topic page: Lower KS2 > Year 4 > Every picture tells a story
In this topic, children’s work is influenced by a range of inspirational sculptors as they explore and use unusual objects to create their own 3D works of art. As well as having the opportunity to create drums and maracas from recycled materials, pupils also look at different techniques, such as wax resist and collages to create different effects.