Exploring three of the formal elements of art: shape, line and colour; children will mix and paint with secondary colours; use circles to create abstract compositions and work collaboratively to create a class piece of art inspired by water.
Go to the topic page: KS1 > Year 1 > Formal elements of art

In this collection of lessons children learn and develop their skills in: design, drawing, craft, painting and art appreciation; undertaking two different printing techniques, using 2D shapes to explore a variety of media, mixing different shades of one colour and discussing the work of artist Louis Wain.
Go to the topic page: KS1 > Year 1 > Art and design skills

Based on the popular theme of the seaside, this topic gives children the opportunity to play with different ways of creating art. Using Van Gogh’s artwork as inspiration, they learn to add texture to their work and consider how to create the different tints and shades that they see, including using watercolours and shading.
Go to the topic page: KS1 > Year 1 > Landscapes using different media

On the theme of the natural world, children will make sculptures, collages, 3D models of creatures and a class spider sculpture, inspired by Louise Bourgeois.
Go to the topic page: KS1 > Year 1 > Sculptures and collages

Exploring the formal elements of art: pattern, texture and tone; children will create printed patterns using everyday objects; take rubbings using different media and learn how to make their drawings three dimensional.
Go to the topic page: KS1 > Year 2 > Formal elements of art

In this collection of lessons, children learn and develop their skills in: design, drawing, craft, painting and art appreciation; replicating the recognisable crockery of Clarice Cliff, exploring tone through shading, developing their skills in weaving and the manipulation of clay, experimenting with brush strokes.
Go to the topic page: KS1 > Year 2 > Art and design skills

Exploring how bodies and faces are portrayed in art: looking at the work of a number of artists, using their bodies to form shapes, creating collages, drawing portraits and creating a peg figure.
Go to the topic page: KS1 > Year 2 > Human form

Children will create sculpture, pop art and learn how to draw facial features to portray different emotions, all through the topic of comic superheroes and with inspired by the works of Roy Lichtenstein.