Knowledge organiser: Computing – Y6 Exploring AI

This Year 6 Computing knowledge organiser is suitable for printing for each pupil, but can also be printed on A3 for classroom display. It contains the key vocabulary for the unit as well as information to help recall key concepts.

Knowledge organiser – R&W Y3/4 (A): Why is water symbolic?

A Knowledge organiser that captures the essential knowledge and skills learnt throughout the mixed-age unit Religion and worldviews, Y3/4 (A), Why is water symbolic?.


This resource is designed to support children as they explore the symbolic significance of water in various religious and cultural practices. It highlights key vocabulary, rituals and beliefs, such as Christian baptism, Hindu sacred bathing and the spiritual importance of water in Buddhism and Shintoism. It is perfect for consolidating essential knowledge and fostering cross-cultural understanding


Knowledge organiser – History Y3: Why did the Romans invade and settle in Britain?

A Knowledge organiser that captures the essential knowledge and skills learnt throughout the unit History, Y3, Why did the Romans invade and settle in Britain?


This History resource is designed to support children as they explore the reasons behind the Roman invasion of Britain and its lasting impact. It highlights key figures, events and concepts, including Emperor Claudius, Boudicca’s rebellion, Hadrian’s Wall and the organisation of the Roman army. It is perfect for consolidating essential knowledge and fostering an understanding of how the Romans shaped Britain.


Knowledge organiser: Spanish – Dates and birthdays

An easy to use visual support with vocabulary, grammar and sentence structures relevant to the unit.

Knowledge organiser – R&W Y1/2 (A): How did the world begin?

A Knowledge organiser that captures the essential knowledge and skills learnt throughout the unit Religion and worldviews, Y1/2 (A), How did the world begin?


This Religion and Worldviews resource is designed to support the pupils as they explore different religious and cultural perspectives on the origins of the world. It introduces key vocabulary such as creation, belief, faith, myth, and tradition, helping the pupils understand how various worldviews explain the beginning of life. The pupils will also learn about creation stories from different religions and how these shape beliefs about the world and humanity.



Knowledge organiser: What does the census tell us about our local area?

A summary of key information from the UKS2 History unit ‘What does the census tell us about our local area?’

Knowledge organiser: D&T – Y4 Mechanical cars

A summary of the most important information for pupils from our Year 4 D&T scheme of work. Captures the key facts and definitions from the Design and technology Mechanical cars unit.

Knowledge organiser: What makes us human?

A Knowledge organiser that captures the essential knowledge and skills learnt throughout the unit Religion and worldviews, Year 3, What makes us human?


This resource is designed to support children as they explore the question What makes us human?’ through various religious and non-religious worldviews. It highlights key vocabulary, beliefs and practices, such as the concept of the soul in Christianity and Hinduism, the idea of consciousness in Buddhism and differing views on spirituality. This resource is perfect for consolidating essential knowledge, encouraging thoughtful reflection and an understanding of diverse perspectives on what it means to be human.



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