Knowledge organiser – Music Y1: Musical symbols

A Knowledge organiser that captures the essential knowledge and skills learnt throughout the unit Music, Year 1, Music symbols (Under the Sea).


This Music resource is designed to support the pupils as they explore how music can be used to represent the ocean and underwater life. It introduces key vocabulary such as rhythm, tempo, pitch, dynamics, and soundscape, helping the pupils understand how musical elements create imagery and atmosphere. The pupils will also learn how to recognise different sounds associated with the sea and experiment with creating their own ocean-inspired compositions.


Knowledge organiser – Music Y1: Pitch

A Knowledge organiser that captures the essential knowledge and skills learnt throughout the unit Music, Year 1, Pitch (Superheroes).


This Music resource is designed to support the pupils as they explore how music can be used to represent superhero characters and their actions. It introduces key vocabulary such as tempo, dynamics, rhythm, pitch, and motif, helping the pupils understand how musical elements create excitement and drama. The pupils will also learn how to identify heroic musical themes and experiment with composing their own superhero-inspired sounds.


Knowledge organiser – Music Y1: Sound patterns

A Knowledge organiser that captures the essential knowledge and skills learnt throughout the unit Music, Year 1, Sound patterns (Fairytales).


This Music resource is designed to support the pupils as they explore how music can be used to enhance storytelling in fairytales. It introduces key vocabulary such as rhythm, tempo, dynamics, pitch, and motif, helping the pupils understand how musical elements create mood and character. The pupils will also learn how to recognise musical themes in fairytales and experiment with creating their own sound effects and melodies to accompany stories.


Knowledge organiser – Music Y1: Dynamics

A Knowledge organiser that captures the essential knowledge and skills learnt throughout the unit Music, Year 1, Dynamics.


This Music resource is designed to support the pupils as they explore how music can represent the seaside environment. It introduces key vocabulary such as rhythm, tempo, pitch, dynamics, and soundscape, helping the pupils understand how musical elements can create imagery and atmosphere. The pupils will also learn how to recognise different sounds associated with the seaside and create their own seaside-inspired compositions.


Knowledge organiser: Music – Y1 Keeping the pulse

A Knowledge organiser that captures the essential knowledge and skills learnt throughout the unit Music, Year 1, Keeping the Pulse.

This Music resource is designed to support the pupils as they explore the concept of pulse and its role in music. It introduces key vocabulary such as beat, rhythm, tempo, steady pulse, and movement, helping the pupils understand how pulse provides structure to music. The pupils will also learn to recognise and maintain a steady pulse through listening activities, movement, and instrumental performance, reinforcing their rhythmic awareness and coordination.

Knowledge Organiser – R&W Y6: What place does religion have in our world today?

A Knowledge organiser that captures the essential knowledge and skills learnt throughout the unit Religion and Worldviews, Year 6, What Place Does Religion Have in Our World Today?


This Religion and Worldviews resource is designed to support the pupils as they explore the role of religion in contemporary society. It introduces key vocabulary such as secularism, faith, diversity, community, and belief, helping the pupils understand how religion influences culture, ethics, and social values. The pupils will also learn about different perspectives on the relevance of religion in modern life and how religious and non-religious worldviews shape communities.



Knowledge organiser – Computing Y2: MakeCode

A Knowledge organiser that captures the essential knowledge and skills learnt throughout the unit Computing, Year 2, Programming: MakeCode.


This resource is designed to support the children as they develop their understanding of programming using MakeCode. It introduces key vocabulary and concepts, such as algorithms, block coding and debugging, helping the children build a strong foundation in Computing. The organiser also explores how the BBC micro:bit can be programmed to display patterns and messages, reinforcing essential coding skills. It is perfect for consolidating knowledge and supporting the children as they learn to create, test and debug their own programs.


Knowledge organiser: Saving South America

An easy to use visual support with vocabulary, grammar and sentence structures relevant to the unit.

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