Knowledge organiser for In my French house, capturing the essential knowledge and skills learned throughout the Year 6 French unit.
Featured Document Type: Knowledge organiser
Knowledge organiser: French – French sport and the Olympics
Knowledge organiser for the French sport and the Olympics unit, capturing the essential knowledge and skills learned throughout the upper key stage 2 French lessons.
Knowledge organiser: Y5 French-speaking world
A knowledge organiser for the Year 5 French lessons: French-speaking world with vocabulary, grammar and sentence structures relevant to the unit.
Knowledge organiser – History Y4: How did the achievements of the ancient Maya impact their society and beyond?
A Knowledge organiser that captures the essential knowledge and skills learnt throughout the unit History, Y4, How did the achievements of the Maya civilisation impact their society and beyond?
This History resource is designed to support children as they explore the achievements and influence of the ancient Maya. It highlights key aspects such as their city-states, writing system, calendar, religious rituals and inventions. It also examines how the Maya adapted to life in the rainforest and how their civilisation changed over time. It is useful for consolidating essential knowledge and fostering an understanding of how the Maya shaped their society and beyond.
Knowledge organiser: French – Visiting a town in France
A knowledge organiser for the Year 6 French lessons on Visiting a town in France with vocabulary, grammar and sentence structures relevant to the unit.
Knowledge organiser – Science Y2: Plant growth
A Knowledge organiser that captures the essential knowledge and skills learnt throughout the unit Science, Y2, Plant growth.
This Science resource is designed to support the children as they explore the key stages of plant growth and the essential conditions for healthy development. It highlights key vocabulary, processes and concepts, such as germination, the role of roots, leaves and flowers and the importance of water, light and warmth. It is perfect for consolidating essential knowledge and fostering a strong understanding of plant life cycles.
Knowledge organiser: Spanish – Where do you live in Spain?
Aimed at pupils, this single-page document provides key facts and definitions from the ‘Where do you live in Spain?‘ unit in the Year 3 Spanish scheme of work. It serves as easy-to-use visual support, including vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structures relevant to the unit.
Knowledge organiser – Science Y1: Introduction to plants
A Knowledge organiser that captures the essential knowledge and skills learnt throughout the unit Science, Y1, Introduction to plants.
This Science resource is designed to support the children as they are introduced to the fascinating world of plants. It highlights key vocabulary, plant parts and classifications, such as roots, stems, leaves and flowers, alongside examples of wild plants, garden plants, deciduous trees and evergreen trees. It is perfect for consolidating essential knowledge and fostering an early understanding of plant structure and diversity.
Knowledge organiser: French Y5/6 Visiting a town in France
An easy to use visual support with vocabulary, grammar and sentence structures relevant to the unit.