Progression of skills document to accompany the condensed version of our original Art and design scheme. We recommend that schools no longer use this scheme and transition to our revised art scheme.
Featured Document Type: Original Art & design scheme
Original Art and design scheme – Progression of skills
This document shows the progression of skills across the strands in our original Art and design scheme of work (pre September 2022).
We recommend that schools no longer use this scheme and transition to our revised Art scheme.
Original Art & design and D&T: Progression of skills — combined
This progression of skills document accompanied our original Art and design scheme.
We recommend that schools no longer use the original Art scheme and transition to our revised Art scheme.
Original Art and design scheme: Key skills by unit (including condensed curriculum)
This skills overview is suitable for use with the original Kapow Primary Art and design scheme. We recommend that schools no longer use this scheme and transition to our revised Art scheme.
This overview shows the key skills covered across each year group and identifies which units give coverage of each of these skills.
If you are following our Long-term plan: Condensed, there are some skills and artists that are not covered. These skills are highlighted on the document with the ✦ symbol.
See our revised Art and design scheme here.
Original Art and design scheme: Long-term plan — condensed
This long-term plan is suitable for use with the original Kapow Primary Art and design scheme.
We recommend that schools no longer use this scheme and transition to our revised Art and design scheme. Within our revised Art and design scheme, you will find planning and assessment materials, videos, blogs, subject leader support documents and lots more for KS1, LKS2 and UKS2.
The condensed version of the Long-term plan for Art and design is for schools that teach Art and design for just 18 weeks in the school year. While the plan is condensed and does not provide the full breadth of lessons provided in our standard Art and design plan, it fulfils the national curriculum requirements for KS1 and KS2 Art and design by focusing on essential skills and knowledge.
We also offer:
- A standard Long-term plan for schools that teach Art and design most weeks of the school year.
- A long-term plan for teaching Art and design to mixed-age classes.
- A combined plan for schools that alternate the teaching of Art and design with Design and technology.
To download the condensed plan, click on the orange button below.
Original Art and design scheme: Long-term plan — mixed-age
This long-term plan is suitable for use for schools following the original Kapow Primary Art and design scheme. We recommend that schools no longer use this scheme and transition to our revised Art scheme.
The mixed-age long-term plan for Art and design is for schools to teach Art and design to mixed-age classes. The plan shows how the scheme of work fulfils the national curriculum requirements for KS1 and KS2 Art and design and includes an overview of our units and lessons and guidance on the order of teaching.
We also offer:
- A standard Long-term plan for schools that teach Art and design most weeks of the school year.
- A Long-term plan — condensed for schools that teach Art and design for 18 weeks in the school year.
- A combined plan for schools that alternate the teaching of Art and design with Design and technology.
To download our standard Long-term plan, click on the orange button below.
Archived Art and design scheme: Long-term plan
Use this long-term plan alongside Kapow Primary’s original Art and design scheme to support your delivery of the primary Art and design curriculum across the school.
As well as giving oversight of the Art and design scheme, this document contains information including:
- How this scheme helps your school meet the statutory requirements for Art and design.
- The organisation of the scheme into the five key strands of learning: making skills; generating ideas; formal elements; knowledge of artists; evaluating, and how these are spread throughout the units.
- A spiral curriculum and how it is utilised within the scheme.
- Ordering and teaching the units.
- Each individual unit across every year, including a brief synopsis of learning.
- Other useful documentation to support you in planning your Art and design scheme of work including a curriculum overview, progression of skills document, an equipment list and a vocabulary progression.
Kapow Primary’s archived Long-term plan for Art and design is for schools teaching Art and design most weeks throughout the school year. Each year group is allocated 4 units across the year, which ensure pupils acquire key skills and knowledge required to make progress.
- A Long-term plan —condensed for schools that teach Art and design for 18 weeks in the school year.
- A Long-term plan for teaching Art and design to mixed-age classes.
- A combined plan for schools that alternate the teaching of Art and design with Design and technology.
The plan shows how the scheme of work fulfils the national curriculum requirements for KS1 and KS2 Art and design and includes an overview of our units and lessons and guidance on the order of teaching.
To download our standard long-term plan, click on the orange button below.
We suggest that most schools should use our revised Art and design scheme of work for the most up to date content.
Archived Art and design scheme and D&T: Long-term plan — combined
This document refers to our ARCHIVED Art and design scheme, which is no longer maintained to reflect curriculum changes or publishing updates. We recommend that you use the up to date Art & design and D&T Combined plan found here.
This combined Art and design and DT long-term plan is suitable for use with our now ARCHIVED Art and design scheme. We recommend that schools no longer use this scheme and transition to our up-to-date Art & design scheme.
Kapow Primary’s combined, long-term plan for two national curriculum subjects: Art and design, and Design and technology. The plan is based on our schemes of work for Art and design and Design and technology and is for schools that alternate between the subjects each half term.
The plan fulfils the essential requirements of the KS1 and KS2 National Curriculum for Art and design and Design and technology. Each block is hyperlinked to the recommended units of lessons and contains brief descriptions of the lessons and key learning points.
We also provide a standard Art and design: Long-term plan and a standard Design and technology: Long-term plan for schools that teach the subjects throughout the year.
Original Art and design scheme: Curriculum overview
This mapping document is suitable for use with the original Kapow Primary Art and design scheme (pre-September 2022). We recommend that schools no longer use this scheme and transition to our revised Art scheme.