How Does Kapow Primary Support Subject Leaders?
Written by Kapow Primary
Published on 15th August 2023
Last Updated: 17th December 2024
Written by Kapow Primary
Published on 15th August 2023
Last Updated: 17th December 2024
Kapow Primary supports primary school subject leaders to lead confidently and effectively. In recent years, the role of subject leader has become increasingly demanding, with teachers expected to lead like specialists regardless of experience or knowledge. While changes to Ofsted mean that only graded inspections (section 5) include subject deep dives, foundation subjects are still assessed through learning walks and wider curriculum reviews. Our resources are designed to ease this pressure and support all subject leaders.
Our comprehensive support for subject leaders helps teachers to:
This is what Kapow Primary has developed to support subject leaders:
Long-term plans are available for schools using standard, mixed-age and condensed versions of our schemes. These essential subject leader tools include:
This summarises what is included in most of our long-term plans, but there are slight variations across subjects. For example, the History long-term plan explains the differences between substantive and disciplinary knowledge specific to History.
Our deep dive toolkit for Ofsted includes resources for subject leaders to use in preparation for an Ofsted subject-specific inspection. It features:
We also have subject deep dive toolkits that include the resources listed above for different foundation subjects.
Our subject leader toolkits help teachers organise and reduce their workload. They include:
This is an overview of the knowledge and skills introduced and developed in each year group across all units.
This document explains how knowledge and skills can be built within each strand to meet key stage expectations. Alternative versions are available for schools following our condensed and mixed-age plans.
Our curriculum coverage documents give an overview of the national curriculum attainment targets, detailing which units are working towards which targets. This information is also available on individual lesson plans, but it’s useful for subject leaders to have it all collated in one document.
Many of our lessons feature videos for teachers outlining the knowledge needed to teach each lesson and demonstrating how to teach it.
An example of our French phonics videos designed to support teachers to teach pronunciation with confidence.
Incorporating videos in this way provides integrated CPD that is immediately applicable and easy to access. Subject leaders can use these videos to upskill themselves and other staff, including non-teachers or cover teachers who may be taking lessons. Subject leaders can also use the videos to deliver staff training.
Assessment spreadsheets allow primary school teachers to track individual pupil progress across every learning objective. They are beneficial for subject leaders as they show progression across the school and identify gaps in attainment.
Kapow Primary schemes include a quiz at the end of each unit and a knowledge catcher to evaluate pupil understanding. These assessment resources are helpful for a subject leader to assess the effectiveness of teaching. Press play on the video below for more information about our unit quizzes and knowledge catchers.
All of our units have a ready-made knowledge organiser.
Examples of History knowledge organisers.
These visual summaries of key facts and vocabulary help children to retain subject knowledge; they are most effective when used at the beginning of a unit and referred back to regularly. A subject leader can guide other staff on using knowledge organisers in their subject.
At Kapow Primary, we regularly present subject-specific and curriculum-based webinars featuring expert guest speakers.
Anyone who registers can attend our CPD webinars for free, and Kapow Primary users can access the complete back catalogue of webinar recordings on our website. Sign up to our mailing list for notifications of our upcoming webinars and more.
Our subject resource lists are equipment lists of essential and optional resources for each subject.
This statement explains our curriculum design covering:
Intent – what is taught and why
Implementation – what it looks like in practice
Impact – what the outcomes will be
This document helps subject leaders to justify why their subject is taught in a particular way and can be used to create school-specific intent, implementation and impact statements for your subject.
In our dedicated subject leader Facebook group, subject leaders can ask questions and share ideas.
Our resources help subject leaders teach and lead like specialists, even with limited subject knowledge.
You can access our subject leader resources on the Kapow Primary website, either in the subject planning section of each subject or by using the search tool.
All of our content is being continually added to and updated, including our subject leader support. We hope you find it helpful.