Making The Most Of A Kapow Primary Free Trial
Written by Kapow Primary
Published on 21st July 2023
Last Updated: 4th December 2024
Written by Kapow Primary
Published on 21st July 2023
Last Updated: 4th December 2024
At Kapow Primary, we offer a no-obligation free trial for primary schools and teachers. Below is some advice on how to get the most from your free trial.
We provide comprehensive schemes of work with full national curriculum coverage in foundation subjects. Our resources support and upskill teachers, helping to build confidence in non-specialists.
Join over 7500 schools and 100,000 primary school teachers that
Kapow Primary helps to teach with confidence.
You can take a free trial to explore any of our non-core subjects.
Before starting your trial, identify the specific subject(s) you want to focus on. Kapow Primary covers eleven subjects, so you’ll need to narrow down the most relevant one(s).
To help you prepare, you can use the subject menu at the top of the website homepage to see the title of each unit and each lesson. If you click on the unit title, it takes you to the unit overview, which shows lesson learning objectives, like this Year 4 Geography unit about rainforests.
Plan some time for an in-depth look at our resources. We recommend introducing the free trial in a staff meeting and encouraging staff to use it immediately. The more people who try it, the better informed you will be about whether Kapow Primary is a good fit for your school.
Our subject homepages are a great starting point for exploring a subject.
You can access a subject homepage from the website using either the white subject buttons featured on the website homepage or by clicking on the subject name on the top menu.
The following resources support teachers in planning a subject. You may want to view them before looking at our lessons:
These documents outline how Kapow Primary approaches the curriculum and provide an overview of progression. From here, you can use the website to focus on a key stage and see the lessons in each unit.
To get an authentic experience using Kapow Primary, try out a lesson during your free trial. Our lessons all follow the same format:
This tried-and-tested lesson structure is already used by many primary schools. You need to look at a Kapow Primary lesson plan carefully to consider how easily you can integrate it into your school’s lesson planning format.
If teaching a lesson in your trial subject isn’t possible in your trial period, try one of our Wellbeing lessons instead. Our Wellbeing scheme is supplementary and free for any Kapow Primary users. Wellbeing lessons can be taught as standalone lessons that are not part of a teaching sequence, so they work well during a free trial.
As well as lesson plans, Kapow Primary has other resources we recommend you view:
An example of our French phonic videos, designed to support pronunciation and increase confidence with teaching!
It’s important to share your trial experience with colleagues. Their feedback will provide valuable insights into the suitability and effectiveness of the schemes.
If you take a school trial, make sure you dedicate some time towards the end of the trial for evaluation.
If you take an individual free trial and like what you find, you can take a school free trial to benefit other teachers.
Before your trial ends, evaluate the resources you have used based on your teaching needs, staff and pupil feedback, and the overall trial experience. Consider cost, long-term sustainability, and compatibility with your school curriculum.
When you sign up for a free trial, you can view the whole website for free. The only limitation is on the number of downloads, which is three per person for a school trial, and five for an individual. We strongly encourage you to look around and allow colleagues leading other subjects to view our resources.
After a free trial, there is nothing to cancel, and we won’t chase you for a sale. While we have complete confidence in our products, we understand that there are a whole host of factors that may prevent schools from signing up.
By following these tips, you can make the most of your free trial and decide whether to invest in Kapow Primary.
We offer the following for free to everyone, regardless of whether they are Kapow Primary users:
If you have any queries about taking out a free trial or any of our products, you can contact our team by email at [email protected].