History: National curriculum coverage

This document provides an overview of the national curriculum for History, including its objectives and content. Kapow Primary’s units have been mapped against the curriculum to indicate their coverage. This information supports teachers in ensuring that no objectives are missed, even if a unit is omitted. The same information can be found on our lesson plans.


Please visit our Kapow Primary History page for detailed information on our History curriculum.


To explore the curriculum for pupils, check out:

Revised Art and design scheme: National curriculum mapping

A handy document mapping the national curriculum end of key stage objectives to our revised Art and design scheme (September 2022 onwards), showing coverage of the national curriculum through our units.

RSE & PSHE: Statutory guidance mapping document

A document mapping the DfE’s 2019 statutory guidance for Relationships and sex education (RSE) and Health education against Kapow Primary’s RSE and PSHE scheme. All units are hyperlinked for easy access.


Computing curriculum overview

Music model curriculum – alignment with Kapow Primary

Find out how Kapow Primary’s Music scheme of work aligns with the non-statutory Model music curriculum published in Summer 2021.  While the new model curriculum has been somewhat controversial and Ofsted has said it will not expect schools to follow it, many schools will wish to align their teaching of music with this guidance.  Kapow Primary’s schemes of work always fully cover the requirements of the national curriculum.  This downloadable document explains how Kapow Primary aligns with the model curriculum and explains some changes and additions it is making to its scheme of work to cater for schools that wish to follow the new model curriculum.

EYFS Computing Curriculum guidance

An overview of the Kapow Primary EYFS Computing scheme of work, with teacher guides, progression and assessment and more.

D&T: National curriculum coverage

Each of our Design and technology lessons show which national curriculum attainment target/s pupils are working towards during the lesson. 

This curriculum mapping document gives an overview of all the National curriculum statements and shows the specific units which support pupils on their journey to meeting these targets by the end of Key stage 1 and Key stage 2. It has now been updated to include the Development Matters statements and Eary Learning Goals relevant to each of our EYFS: Reception units.

It also shows how the strands:  design, make, evaluate and technical knowledge link to the National curriculum.

The starred (*) units are wholly or partially included in our Long-term plan: condensed version. You can be assured that if you follow our condensed curriculum, pupils will have opportunities to work towards all of the national curriculum statements for D&T.

If your school decides to adapt or omit a unit, this document can help you to plan accordingly, ensuring that you do not leave any gaps in your coverage of the national curriculum for Design and technology.



Original Art and design scheme: Curriculum overview

This mapping document is suitable for use with the original Kapow Primary Art and design scheme (pre-September 2022). We recommend that schools no longer use this scheme and transition to our revised Art scheme.

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