Computing: National curriculum coverage

Quickly and easily check which Kapow Primary Computing lessons correspond to the national curriculum attainment targets for year 1 to year 6. Also includes the Early learning goals and Development matters statements for EYFS.

Music: National curriculum coverage

This document lists the National curriculum attainment targets for Music in key stages 1 and 2. It links the units in Kapow Primary Music scheme of work that enable pupils to achieve each target across:


Key Stage 1 Music
Lower Key Stage 2 Music
Upper Key Stage 2 Music


For the Early Years Foundation Stage, it outlines the Development Matters statements or Early Learning Goals covered by each unit.


The Curriculum overview document also shows the five Kapow Primary strands: Performing; Listening; Composing; The history of music; and the Inter-related dimensions of music. It shows which of these strands links to each National curriculum statement.


The starred (*) units are those which are wholly or partially included in our Long-term plan – condensed version. Schools following this condensed curriculum can be assured that pupils will have opportunities to work towards all of the National curriculum statements for Music


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