Science Case Study: Success at Green Park Primary

Published 6 March 2024 by Kapow Primary

Launched in 2023, our Science scheme has been supporting primary schools like Green Park Primary in Sefton, on the outskirts of Liverpool, to deliver their curriculum confidently. The school, with 13 teachers and 250 pupils, thrives in a relatively affluent area with few pupil-premium children.

Green Park’s ethos is built around six values: compassion, happiness, collaboration, belonging, respect, and success, each highlighted for a term, promoting a supportive and inclusive learning environment.

We talked with Coral Cragg, a Year 5 teacher and STEM coordinator, about how the Science scheme has positively impacted their teaching and learning, showcasing its effectiveness in enhancing educational outcomes.


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What subject(s) do you have with us?

Art & Design, Design & Technology, Geography, History and Science.


Where did you find out about us?

One of our Assistant Heads started using Art & Design and Design & Technology after going on an art course and hearing it spoken about in such a positive way. Then another went on a Geography course and heard the same things, and it all went from there. We’re so glad that we did – we’re really pleased with everything.


What about Kapow Primary appealed to your school?

There are quite a few things. Firstly, the planning aspect and how it supported our own CPD and confidence in delivering some subjects; it is rich in resources; and also, the ideas that are contained in the schemes have been amazing. I recently taught one of the Tudor lessons, which asked us to look at inventories and decide what told us about the person. It was something I wouldn’t have thought of doing, but such a lovely activity to do with the children. Also, the murder mystery with Anne Boleyn


How easy was Kapow Primary to implement?

We have found it easy to implement throughout our school.  There are quizzes we do at the start of each unit to find out where the children are. This was in line with the model we previously used in the school, which helped there to be a smooth transition. Also, having all the KOs ready-made was really helpful.

We also implemented the subjects gradually so it wasn’t too overwhelming. We did need to do some work around getting in resources for some of the lessons as there were some specific items that we did not have in school, but it’s worth it because you’re then teaching it every year. Some teachers have realised that not all the resources need to be purchased, which has reduced the apparent initial costs.


What goals did you want to achieve using Kapow Primary?

In Art & Design, we wanted to make sure that we were seeing a progression of skills and that the children were covering everything they needed to. Then with Science, we wanted to ensure we thoroughly covered the core knowledge and concepts. So, we had different objectives for each subject, but generally, the priority was to ensure staff were getting good CPD and support.


What problems did your teaching staff have that Kapow Primary has solved?

There were areas where staff felt less confident with knowledge of different subjects. Kapow Primary has helped fill these in and help the teachers be more excited about the lessons. It’s brought fresh new ideas to the classrooms – for example, making our own paints out of spices and berries, and has opened up so many ways of approaching lessons for us! We made our own muddy water filters in Science, and some of the children even went home and repeated the activity there – and sent in emails with their results because they loved it so much!


Kapow Primary Science

What do you think is the most helpful thing about Kapow Primary Science?

It’s very ambitious and really stretches them, but the children love it regardless of the challenge. I would never have attempted to make water filters with the whole class, but it was effortless because they were so engaged and excited. There may be a lot of preparation beforehand, but that’s the same for any Science lesson, and the videos are so helpful in supporting everything. 


What impact has Kapow Primary Science had on teaching and learning?

Yes. We have such a positive environment, and because the teachers are so buzzing and excited about Science, the children are too, so the learning is great. The pre- and post-quizzes are also so helpful. The videos are such good CPD meaning all the stuff you need is already there for the lesson. If you were less confident, these would be so helpful. It also makes it easier to move subjects and to teach other years because the CPD videos are there to refresh the subject knowledge and it removes that layer of pressure.


How accessible are the units, taking into consideration the existing level of pupil knowledge and skill when you first implemented the scheme?

We started a few months ago, and so far, it is working well. They haven’t been overwhelmed by it, and it’s been absolutely fine for them. Some teachers find the knowledge catchers difficult to use within the lesson as they need a lot of discussion, which can detract from the teaching of the unit. 


How effectively do you feel Kapow Primary Science integrates Working Scientifically skills within the lessons?

I think it does this really well. This was an area where we tried to ensure that we were demonstrating this well. Having explicit Working Scientifically objectives is great so we can be confident that these have been properly covered and are well evidenced.


Based on the teacher guidance and video provided, can you describe how easy or difficult teachers found it to deliver the units?

It’s different to what we have done before, so teachers have been using it in their own ways. Some teachers use the lessons straight from the website, whereas some have been putting it into their own presentations, but everyone has embraced it. The teachers all really enjoy it across all year groups!


What has been your pupils’ favourite unit/lesson?

The Year 5 filtering lesson. They’re often really excited about all the lessons, but that seems to have been the favourite.

Pupils taking part in a science lesson learning to filter water and materials


Does the scheme offer enough insight into the different STEM career paths to engage your pupils and help them understand how Science may fit into their future lives?

Yes, Kapow Primary Science does that, but we also focus as a school with additional STEM activities, clubs and a dedicated STEM day.  In the Year 3 units, the career links have been prosthetic arms and palaeontologists


Do you regularly use our supporting materials?

Yes. We use the progression of skills and knowledge in the teams – so the STEM team will look at these to pull out the cross-curricular links. All the teachers look at the vocabulary and other documents too, and will refer to the progression documents as well.


Have you ever had cause to contact us, if so, can you describe what happened?

On occasions, we have lost access to units and have had to contact to be reconnected, We have also asked to have free trials for new subjects, which we have then gone on to purchase.

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