Lesson 2: Relief maps - option 2

Exploring 2D to 3D by creating a relief version of map drawings inspired by artist Emma Johnson.

Lesson 3: Experimenting with media: Option 2 - Christmas themed

Experimenting with abstract composition, children create Christmas themed abstract art inspired by artist Beatriz Milhazes.

Lesson 4: Paper snakes

Learning to fold, cut and curl paper to make colourful paper snakes.

Lesson 4: Collage and transient art

Creating unique collages and transient art through independent exploration of mixed media resources.

Lesson 4: Collage creation - Christmas themed

Composing and arranging collage materials to create Christmas themed artwork.

Lesson 5: Landscape collage

Developing an understanding of collage, children create landscape collages inspired by the work of Megan Coyle.

Lesson 6: Tissue paper flowers

Using flower designs from the previous lesson to create colourful tissue paper flowers.

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