Knowledge organiser: French – Y5 French monster pets

Knowledge organiser for the Year 5 French lessons: Monster Pets, capturing the essential knowledge and skills learned throughout the unit.

Knowledge organiser: French – Y5 Shopping in France

Knowledge organiser for the Year 5 French lesson plans on Shopping in France, capturing the essential knowledge and skills learned throughout the unit.

Knowledge organiser: French – Y6 In my French house

Knowledge organiser for the Year 6 French lessons in my French house unit, capturing the essential knowledge and skills learned throughout the unit.

Knowledge organiser: French – Y6 Visiting a town in France

Knowledge organiser for the Year 6 French lesson plans on Visiting a French town, capturing the essential knowledge and skills learned throughout the unit.

Knowledge organiser – DT: Y3 Electrical systems: Electric poster

A knowledge organiser for the Electrical systems: Electronical poster Year 3 lower Key Stage 2 Design and technology lessons, containing the essential knowledge learned throughout the unit.

Knowledge Organiser: Computing – Y5 Programming: Music (Scratch)

This knowledge organiser for Year 5 Computing is suitable for printing for each pupil, but can also be printed on A3 for classroom display. It contains the key vocabulary for the unit as well as information to help recall key concepts. There are connections to Upper Key Stage 2 Music lessons.

Knowledge organiser: French – Y4 French food – Miam, miam!

Knowledge organiser for the Year 4 French lessons: French food – Miam, miam! unit, capturing the essential knowledge and skills learned throughout the unit.

Knowledge organiser: French – Y4 Weather and the water cycle

Knowledge organiser for the Year 4 French lessons on French weather and the water cycle, capturing the essential knowledge and skills learned throughout the unit.

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