Knowledge organiser for the Year 5 Upper Key Stage 2 Music lessons on Looping and remixing.
Teaching resource: Knowledge organiser
Archived unit: Knowledge organiser: Y6 – Music: Advanced rhythms
Knowledge organiser for the archived Upper Key Stage 2 Music lessons on Advanced Rhythms for Year 6.
Knowledge organiser: Music – Y6: Dynamics, pitch and texture
Knowledge organiser for the Dynamics, pitch and texture (Fingal’s Cave) Year 6 Upper Key Stage 2 Music lessons.
Knowledge organiser: Music – Y6: Theme and variations
Knowledge organiser for the Year 6 Upper Key Stage 2 Music lessons on Theme and variations using the theme of Pop Art.
Knowledge organiser: Music – Y6 Film music
Knowledge organiser for the Film music Year 6 Upper Key Stage 2 Music lessons.
Knowledge organiser: Music – Y6 Leaver’s song
Knowledge organiser for the Year 6 Upper Key Stage 2 Music lessons on composing and performing a Leaver’s song.
Knowledge organiser: Music – Y6 Songs of World War 2
Knowledge organiser for the Year 6 Upper Key Stage 2 Music lessons featuring Songs of World War 2.
Knowledge organiser: KS2 Instrumental Music: North America
Knowledge organiser for the North America instrumental lessons suitable for Lower Key Stage 2 and Upper Key Stage 2 Music lessons. Includes key knowledge about the features of minimalist music and the origins of this music genre.
Knowledge organiser: KS2 Instrumental Music: India
Knowledge organiser for the India instrumental lessons suitable for Lower Key Stage 2 Music or Upper Key Stage 2 Music lessons. Key vocabulary and knowledge featured in the unit, including the history of Bollywood film music and performance directions vocabulary and symbols from the instrumental piece featured in the unit.