year: Year 2
Knowledge organiser – Music Y2: Call and response
A Knowledge organiser that captures the essential knowledge and skills learnt throughout the unit Music, Year 2, Call and response (Animals).
This Music resource is designed to support the pupils as they explore how music can be used to represent different animals and their movements. It introduces key vocabulary such as tempo, dynamics, pitch, rhythm, and timbre, helping the pupils understand how composers use musical elements to depict animal characteristics. The pupils will also learn to identify different musical pieces that represent animals and experiment with creating their own animal-inspired compositions.
Religion and worldviews: Transitioning to Kapow Primary
Planning for each year group to support staff and pupils to smoothly transition to our Religion and worldviews, RE scheme of work. All year groups have catch-up units to build a solid foundation of essential knowledge and skills before proceeding to our intended units and lessons for the year group.
Each of the catch-up units consists of selected lessons taken from a range of units in the previous year groups. This will support both staff and pupils in feeling confident and comfortable when approaching more advanced lessons.
This guidance covers:
Lower key stage 2 RE scheme of work
Vocabulary display – R&W Y1/2 (A): What do some people believe God looks like?
This unit vocabulary display includes keywords from the mixed-age unit Religion and worldviews, Y1/2 (A), What do some people believe God looks like? and additional unit-specific words that may be helpful in a display.
There is also a Key vocabulary – R&W Year 1/2 display, which lists only the keywords from all the Year 3/4 units. Consider displaying relevant keywords from previous years as a reminder for the pupils.
Key vocabulary is clearly labelled on the display, highlighting essential words that the pupils are expected to retain and reuse in future units. Understanding these words enhances comprehension of the subject and supports understanding of prominent organised worldviews.
See the full Religion and worldviews: Progression of key vocabulary.
Knowledge organiser – R&W Y1/2 (A): What do some people believe God looks like?
A Knowledge organiser that captures the essential knowledge and skills learnt throughout the mixed-age unit Religion and worldviews, Y1/2 (A), What do some people believe God looks like?
Vocabulary display – Computing Y2: MakeCode
This unit vocabulary display includes keywords from the unit Computing, Year 2, Programming: MakeCode and additional unit-specific words that may be helpful in a display.
Knowledge organiser – Computing Y2: MakeCode
A Knowledge organiser that captures the essential knowledge and skills learnt throughout the unit Computing, Year 2, Programming: MakeCode.
This resource is designed to support the children as they develop their understanding of programming using MakeCode. It introduces key vocabulary and concepts, such as algorithms, block coding and debugging, helping the children build a strong foundation in Computing. The organiser also explores how the BBC micro:bit can be programmed to display patterns and messages, reinforcing essential coding skills. It is perfect for consolidating knowledge and supporting the children as they learn to create, test and debug their own programs.
Wellbeing: Curriculum guide for parents and carers
Updated for 24/25!
Post this document on your school website to inform parents and carers about their children’s Wellbeing lesson plans.