year: Year 2
Geography: Curriculum guide for parents and carers
Updated for 24/25!
Let parents and carers know what their children will be learning in Geography lessons based on Kapow Primary’s scheme of work. Specially designed for the school website.
Computing: Curriculum guide for parents and carers
Updated for 24/25!
This is a curriculum guide to Kapow Primary’s Computing scheme of work, intended for parents and carers. Schools may post this document on their school website or share it with parents and carers in other ways. It provides a summary of what children will be learning each half-term in their computing lessons throughout years 1-6.
Religion and Worldviews: Curriculum guide for parents and carers
Updated for 24/25!
Schools that use Kapow Primary’s Religion and Worldviews scheme can post this guide for parents and carers on their school website or share it with parents in other ways. The guide explains what the children will learn, term-by-term and the knowledge and skills that the children will develop.
Design and technology: Curriculum guide for parents and carers
Updated for 24/25!
Designed for the school website, this guide provides parents and carers with a clear understanding of their child’s design and technology education through your school. The downloadable guide, designed for schools, provides an in-depth look at the Kapow Primary Design and Technology scheme, outlining what children will learn each term. Subscribing schools may share this guide on their websites or through other communication channels, ensuring parents and carers are well-informed about the design and technology skills and knowledge their children will acquire throughout the school year.
Subject leader video: How is Kapow’s Art and design curriculum structured?
Subject leader video: How is Kapow’s Geography curriculum designed?
Art and design: Curriculum guide for parents and carers
Updated for 24/25!
Designed for the school website, this guide provides parents and carers with a clear understanding of their child’s art and design journey through your school. The downloadable guide, designed for schools, provides an in-depth look at the Kapow Primary Art and Design curriculum, outlining what children will learn in their art and design lessons each term. Subscribing schools may share this guide on their websites or through other communication channels, ensuring parents and carers are well-informed about the creative skills and knowledge their children will acquire throughout the school year.