This document was created for primary schools by Former Ofsted inspector, Clive Davies. It helps schools assess their Religion and worldviews curriculum, identifying areas of strength and improvement. The document is a practical resource for schools striving to meet Ofsted standards in RE education.
year: Year 2
Science: KS1 Pupil voice
This document is for teachers to gather feedback from their pupils about KS1 Science lesson plans. Pupils can share what they like and where they do well. Their input will help improve Science learning.
We suggest pupils bring their exercise books to the session to show examples of their work.
Religion & Worldviews: KS1 Pupil voice
Discover our Religion & Worldview in KS1 through the eyes of your pupils. This document gathers feedback on their learning, likes, and dislikes, offering valuable insights to enhance their learning experience.
Religion & Worldviews: Staff Presentation
This presentation introduces our Religion & Worldview (RE) scheme, highlighting its diverse approach, CPD support, and alignment with non-statutory guidance. It serves two primary objectives:
New to Religion & Worldview?
If your school is new to our Religion & Worldview scheme, this presentation provides an excellent starting point for staff exploration.
Interested in joining?
Share this presentation during a staff meeting to showcase the advantages of our Religion & Worldview curriculum for your school. Afterward, we recommend starting a 14-day school free trial to allow your colleagues to explore the scheme and resources independently.
Science: Staff Presentation
This presentation introduces our Science curriculum, showcasing features like experiment support videos, the enquiry cycle, and alignment with the national curriculum. It serves two main goals:
New to Science?
If your school is new to our Science scheme, this presentation offers an ideal starting point for staff to begin exploring.
Eager to join?
Share this presentation during a staff meeting to highlight the benefits of our Science curriculum for your school. After the presentation, we recommend starting a 14-day school free trial, allowing your colleagues to explore the scheme and resources for themselves.
RSE & PSHE: Staff Presentation
This presentation introduces you to our RSE & PSHE scheme of work, featuring animated videos for sensitive topics, CPD support, and alignment with statutory and non-statutory guidance. It serves two main objectives:
New to RSE & PSHE?
If your school is new to our RSE & PSHE scheme, this presentation offers the perfect introduction and starting point for staff exploration.
Eager to join?
Start here if you want to learn more about RSE & PSHE with Kapow Primary. Share this presentation with your colleagues during a staff meeting to spread the word. After the presentation, we recommend starting a 14-day school free trial for colleagues to dive into the scheme and explore it for themselves, including:
History: Staff Presentation
This presentation introduces you to our History scheme of work, highlighting its incorporation of primary sources, an interactive timeline, and other forms of CPD support. Our staff presentation serves two main purposes:
New to History?
If your school is new to our History curriculum, this presentation offers the perfect introduction and a solid starting point for staff exploration.
Thinking About Joining?
If you’re considering joining Kapow Primary and want your colleagues to explore as well, this presentation is a powerful way to raise awareness about the benefits our History scheme can bring to your school. After the presentation, we recommend starting a 14-day school free trial, allowing your colleagues to immerse themselves in the scheme and discover its full potential.
Geography: Staff Presentation
This presentation introduces you to our Geography curriculum, showcasing fun resources such as sing-along videos, editable lesson features, and the integration of fieldwork. Our staff presentation has two key objectives:
New to Geography?
If your school is new to our Geography curriculum, this presentation is the perfect introduction. It provides an ideal starting point for staff to begin exploring.
Curious About Joining?
For those eager to explore Geography with Kapow Primary, this presentation is your starting point. It’s a valuable tool to create awareness about what Kapow Primary can offer your school. After the presentation, we recommend starting a 14-day school free trial. This allows your colleagues to immerse themselves in the scheme and experience its full potential.
Webinar: How To Lead Primary Music As A Non-Specialist Teacher
This webinar was hosted on 16th October 2023.
Not every primary school Music leader is a Music specialist! This webinar will help show you how to lead your school’s Music curriculum with confidence even if you have no formal musical training.
Join Dr. Liz Stafford as she shares her insights, advice and tips for the non-specialist Music leader. During her presentation, she discusses:
- What is a Music specialist?
- How you can prepare for the role including:
- Musical knowledge
- Statutory and advisory guidance
- Pedagogical understanding
- Using support networks
- Performing your role, including:
- Your strategic vision
- Writing a Music development plan
- CPD opportunities