Teacher skills video: Coping strategies – self-harm

The Wellbeing skills videos explore prevalent behavioural and mental health conditions and provide tips for helping affected children.

Teacher skills video: Understanding self-harm

The Wellbeing skills videos explore prevalent behavioural and mental health conditions and provide tips on helping affected children.

Music: List of musicians



Identify the different musicians featured in the Kapow Primary lesson plans for Music.

Knowledge organiser – D&T: Y2 Cooking and nutrition: Balanced diet

Inter-related dimensions of music poster

A visual resource showing the keywords related to the inter-related dimensions of music. This can be used for reference and display by teachers following the Kapow Primary Music scheme of work.

Teacher video: Move

An overview of the ‘move’ strand in the revised Wellbeing scheme. Part of the Wellbeing strand videos series.

Webinar recording: A roundtable discussion: Assessment of the foundation subjects – 24th May 2023

Webinar recording: Keeping Children Safe In Education: Child on Child Sexual Harassment – 16th May 2023

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