This template is designed to support our ‘The Big Draw: A Month Of Art Activities‘ to enhance an art activity centred around the sense of taste.
year: Year 2
Printable template: Pair of glasses
To enhance your experience with ‘The Big Draw: A Month Of Art Activities‘, this printable template is available for you to use in completing an art activity.
Geography song: Compass directions
Printable Template: Eye
This resource is a printable template to support our ‘The Big Draw: A Month Of Art Activities‘.
Vocabulary display – Science Y2: Uses of everyday materials
A Knowledge organiser that captures the essential knowledge and skills learnt throughout the unit Science, Year 2, Materials: Uses of everyday materials.
This resource is designed to support the children as they explore the uses of everyday materials. It highlights key vocabulary and examines how different materials, such as metal, wood and plastic, are chosen for specific purposes. The resource also explores how some materials can change shape through stretching, twisting, bending or squashing. It is perfect for consolidating essential knowledge and fostering an understanding of how materials are used in the world around us.
Resource: Printable history timeline
This printable resource from our History scheme of work complements the Kapow Primary interactive History timeline.
Watch the Using the History timeline video to find out more.
Economic wellbeing Teacher video: Why can anyone be anything?
Watch this teacher video outlining the importance of challenging gender roles and stereotypes in relation to jobs and careers.
Webinar: An Introduction To Teaching Science
This webinar is hosted by our primary Science specialists, Leone Webster, George Simmonds and Romaine Butler.
They cover:
- The progression of knowledge, skills and vocabulary in Science
- How scientific enquiry, especially the enquiry cycle, is embedded throughout all of our units
- How the skills for working scientifically are integrated into the lesson
- An overview of the strands, key areas and Kapow Primary’s Science scheme of work
Webinar: An Introduction To Religion & Worldviews (RE)
Hosted by our subject specialists, Jayne Galvin, Laura Driscoll and Zoe Higgins.
This webinar covers:
- Religion & Worldviews in the classroom: how to develop a Worldviews approach
- How to implement more diversity in your Religion & Worldviews curriculum
- The big questions to be addressed in a Religion & Worldviews curriculum
- The difference between substantive, disciplinary and personal knowledge in Religion& Worldviews
- An overview of Kapow Primary’s Religion & Worldviews scheme