A list of essential and optional resources for the Kapow Primary Science scheme of work. This document will be updated as the units are published.
year: Year 2
Geography: Subject audit for Ofsted
Evaluate your school’s Geography curriculum with this subject audit to help subject leaders prepare for Ofsted.
Geography: Teacher knowledge audit
Geography: KS1 Pupil voice
History: Subject audit for Ofsted
History: Teacher knowledge audit
History: KS1 Pupil voice
This document uses simple questions to ask children about their learning in KS1 History. It helps you understand their perspectives and make changes that align with their needs and interests.
Knowledge organiser – R&W Y2: What do candles mean to people?
A Knowledge organiser that captures the essential knowledge and skills learnt throughout the Year 2 unit Religion and worldviews, Y2, What do candles mean to people?