This document shows the skills covered in each year group from EYFS – Year 6 and which units focus on developing those skills.
Other related documents:
Our Art and design: Progression of knowledge and skills shows progression across each strand from EYFS – Year 6.
Copyright: While we encourage you to share this document within your school community, please ensure that it is only uploaded to your school website if it is password protected.
Discover how to create a safe and supportive learning environment for your pupils with careful consideration and planning.
In this webinar, subject specialist Sarah Huggins:
- Guides you through discussing topics that may be considered sensitive or difficult.
- Explores ways to cover these topics safely and effectively in the primary classroom.
- Discusses ways to ensure that the learning environment is supportive for children.
- Considers staff well-being in relation to teaching these topics.
Also, see how our RSE and PSHE scheme can support your school in covering these topics effectively.
This document demonstrates how pupils understanding of key geographical concepts is expected to build as they follow the Kapow Primary Geography curriculum covering:
The geographical concepts covered include:
- Place
- Space
- Scale
- Interdependence
- Physical and human processes
- Environmental impact and sustainable development
- Cultural awareness and diversity
A list of essential and optional resources for the Kapow Primary Religion and worldviews, RE scheme of work. The list covers:
Key stage 1 RE lessons
Lower key stage 2 RE lessons
Upper key stage 2 RE lessons
To aid in the Geography topic ‘Where am I?’, utilise this Y1/2 knowledge organiser. It contains essential vocabulary, high-quality images and key knowledge to assist students.
This assessment spreadsheet accompanies our standard or condensed RE scheme of work and has been designed to support you in creating a record of pupils’ progress.
It provides a list of learning objectives for our RE curriculum and the Assessing progress and understanding statements from each lesson in Key stage 1 and Key stage 2.
This assessment tool is a place to record teacher assessments and track how pupils are achieving across RE units. This formative assessment strategy can help you to identify gaps in pupils’ learning and can act as a tracker to monitor pupil’s attainment throughout the year.
Teachers can record whether pupils have been working towards the learning objective, shown secure understanding of the learning objective or been working at greater depth.
The spreadsheet will then calculate the percentage of the lessons each pupil has been working at these levels which can be useful for writing reports or reporting to parents on parents’ evenings.
It also gives you data about the whole class helping you to target particular learning to revise and revisit.
It covers:
Find other related documents with our subject leader resources for RE.
This document has been updated for 24/25. Any feedback on this new version would be appreciated ([email protected]).
This document shows when vocabulary is introduced in our History scheme of work.
This document shows key vocabulary across the Disciplinary concepts, Historical enquiry, Substantive concepts and Chronological awareness strands. Please note that children do not need to retain vocabulary related to Topic knowledge (e.g. words like ‘sarcophagus’ and ‘aqueduct’) so it is not shown on this document which aims to show a progression of vocabulary related to the disciplinary and substantive aspects of the subject.
This document shows how pupils’ understanding of vocabulary builds when following the Geography scheme of work. The vocabulary is shown by strand to make it easier to see progression in Geographical skills and Fieldwork, Human and Physical geography and Locational knowledge.
Our Place knowledge strand involves understanding similarities and differences between places. Therefore, it doesn’t have its own associated vocabulary; rather, pupils’ understanding of ‘place’ will involve an awareness of much of the vocabulary used in other strands.
We have separated human and physical geography to make progression clearer, however it is important to be aware that the human and physical are interconnected and some terms could arguably be described as human and physical geography terms.