This document shows schools how our Science curriculum can support you in providing for pupils’ personal development, including SMSC and British values.
year: Year 2
Science: Key skills and knowledge by unit
Aimed at the class teacher, this downloadable document shows the key skills and knowledge covered in each unit of the Kapow Primary Science scheme of work.
For each key area, knowledge statements have been organised into three themes; Scientific knowledge and understanding, Working scientifically and Science in action.
Religion and worldviews: Vocabulary progression
A vocabulary progression document that outlines the new conceptual and worldviews specific vocabulary introduced each year in our Religion and worldviews RE curriculum.
It covers:
Religion and worldviews: Key skills and knowledge by unit
This downloadable document, aimed at the class teacher, shows the key skills and knowledge covered in each unit of Kapow Primary Religion & worldviews, RE curriculum, covering:
Lower key stage 2 RE scheme of work
Religion and worldviews: Personal development, SMSC and British values mapping
This document outlines, unit by unit, how our Religion and worldviews RE curriculum contributes to pupils’ personal development, including SMSC and British values. It covers:
Lower key stage 2 RE scheme of work
Religion and worldviews: Progression of skills and knowledge — mixed-age
This document shows the progression of knowledge and skills for those schools following our RE curriculum mixed-age planning for mixed Y1/2, Y3/4 and Y5/6 classes. It shows progression in each of our three strands: Substantive knowledge (concept and worldview-related), Disciplinary knowledge and Personal knowledge, covering:
Lower key stage 2 RE scheme of work
Upper key stage 2 RE scheme of work
EYFS information is included.
This document is for use alongside our Religion and worldviews mixed-age Long-term plan and shows the progression of skills and knowledge for those teaching on a two-year rolling cycle.
Religion and worldviews: Progression of skills and knowledge — condensed
This document sets out the progression of skills and knowledge for those following the condensed version of our Religion and worldviews, RE curriculum. It covers:
Lower key stage 2 RE scheme of work
Religion and worldviews: Long-term plan — mixed-age
A long-term plan for Kapow Primary’s Religion & worldviews, RE primary curriculum. It provides guidance and an overview for a two-year rolling cycle with mixed-aged classes ensuring progression and full coverage of the Religious Education Council Curriculum Framework for RE in England (non-statutory guidance). It covers:
Lower key stage 2 RE scheme of work
Religion and worldviews: Long-term plan — condensed
This document suggests which units and lessons to teach if you are using the condensed version of Kapow Primary’s Religion & worldviews, RE Curriculum. It covers:
Lower key stage 2 RE scheme of work