Aimed at the subject leader, this downloadable progression of skills and knowledge document shows how Kapow Primary’s mixed-age History scheme develops History skills and knowledge from Year 1/2 through to Year 5/6.
It shows the progression in skills from Year 1/2 to Year 5/6 for each of the following strands: Chronological awareness, Disciplinary concepts and Historical enquiry.
Progression of knowledge statements are also included for the Substantive concepts strand.
Please visit our Kapow Primary History page for detailed information on our History curriculum.
To explore the curriculum for pupils, check out:
Aimed at the subject leader, this downloadable progression of skills and knowledge document shows how Kapow Primary’s mixed-age Geography scheme of work develops Geography skills from Year 1/2 through to Year 5/6.
It shows the progression in skills from Year 1/2 to Year 5/6 for each of the following strands: Locational knowledge, Place knowledge, Human and physical geography and Geographical skills and fieldwork.
Progression of knowledge statements are also included for the strands of Locational knowledge, Place knowledge and Human and physical geography.
There is an accompanying document which shows where each statement is covered within our Geography curriculum here: Geography: Key knowledge and skills by unit — mixed-age
The Geography Long-term plan — mixed-age version gives a suggested order for teaching our full Geography curriculum in a mixed-age setting with Year 1/2, 3/4 and 5/6 classes.
Our units are organised into a two-year rolling programme with Cycle A and Cycle B units to be taught alternately, with some new units added to ensure children progress through the curriculum appropriately.
This History Long-term plan — mixed-age version gives a suggested order for teaching our full History curriculum in a mixed-age setting with Year 1/2, 3/4 and 5/6 classes.
Our units are organised into a two-year rolling programme with Cycle A and Cycle B units to be taught alternately. Some of our units have been adapted and new units created to ensure that children progress through the curriculum appropriately.
To explore the curriculum for pupils, check out:
This document explains SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social, and Cultural) development, maps our History units to Ofsted’s SMSC descriptors, and highlights how our units promote British values. It also outlines Ofsted’s Personal development criteria and identifies opportunities for pupil development in each area.
This document explains the meaning of SMSC and maps the units in the Geography scheme of work to Ofsted’s SMSC descriptors. Within this, it also shows which of our units support schools in their promotion of the fundamental British values: Democracy, Rule of law, Individual liberty, Mutual respect and Tolerance of those with different faith and beliefs. It also shows the Personal development criteria used by Ofsted and which of our lessons and units provide opportunities for pupils to develop in each area.
A list of essential and optional resources for the Kapow Primary History scheme of work. This Equipment list can be reviewed before a History unit is taught, so that preparation can be made in advance.
For detailed information on our History curriculum, please visit our Kapow Primary History page.
To explore the curriculum for pupils, check out:
A list of essential and optional resources for the Kapow Primary Geography scheme of work. This Equipment list can be reviewed before a Geography unit is taught so that preparation can be made in advance.
The list includes equipment to be used across:
This spreadsheet includes the assessment statements for the Kapow Primary History lessons.
This downloadable spreadsheet lists the Assessing pupils’ progress statements from each of our History lessons and provides space for you to enter your teacher assessments for each pupil.
The spreadsheet will calculate what percentage of lessons each pupil was Working towards, Secure understanding or Greater depth. It will also show for each lesson what percentage of pupils were Working towards, Secure understanding or Greater depth.
For detailed information on our History curriculum, please visit our Kapow Primary History page.
To explore the curriculum for pupils, check out:
Now updated to include mixed-age units