The Geography Progression of skills and knowledge gives an overview of the skills and knowledge covered in each phase and strand of the scheme of work for Geography and how these skills are developed in order to enable pupils to reach the end of key stage outcomes outlined in the National curriculum.
This document outlines the intent and rationale behind Kapow Primary’s Geography scheme of work, how to implement it and how to measure pupil progress and impact.
The Geography Long-term plan gives a suggested order for teaching the Geography scheme of work over a school year. There are three units per year group, each made up of six lessons and a brief summary of each unit is provided. The Long-term plan covers lessons in:
This document also gives information about how our curriculum has been designed and any flexibility to move units around to adapt the scheme to suit your school.
A handy document showing the national curriculum targets for Geography and which units work towards them covering:
The Development matters statements and ELGs are also included for EYFS (Reception) as well as how Kapow Primary’s Geography scheme will help your pupils meet these.
This Equipment list can be used to inform your planning. It gives an overview of the equipment needed for the Design and technology curriculum covering:
Refer to the D&T: Resource and costings sheet for more details about quantities and costings.
A Knowledge organiser that captures the essential knowledge and skills learnt throughout the Year 2 unit History, Y2, How was school different in the past?
A mixed-age long-term plan for the revised Art and design scheme of work.
This plan organises our units into a two year cycle which ensures progression in knowledge and skills for mixed-age settings.
A handy long-term planning document providing oversight of Kapow Primary’s whole-school Art and design scheme. This plan covers statutory skills and knowledge taught, details how and why the scheme was created and provides information to support the implementation of our Art and design scheme within your primary school setting.
If you are short on curriculum time, try our Art and design: Long-term plan – condensed.
A quick and simple spreadsheet allowing teachers to input assessments for each Art and design lesson in Kapow Primary’s scheme of work, from Y1 to Y6.