RSE & PSHE: Statutory guidance mapping document

A document mapping the DfE’s 2019 statutory guidance for Relationships and sex education (RSE) and Health education against Kapow Primary’s RSE and PSHE scheme. All units are hyperlinked for easy access.


RSE & PSHE: Progression of skills and knowledge — condensed

This downloadable document is meant for those following our RSE & PSHE Long-term plan — condensedIt shows how Kapow Primary’s RSE & PSHE scheme of work develops skills and knowledge from Reception through to Year 6 in each of our key areas: Families and relationships, Health and wellbeing, Safety and the changing body, Citizenship and Economic wellbeing.

If you follow our standard RSE & PSHE: Long-term plan then please see our RSE & PSHE: Progression of skills and knowledge

If you follow our RSE & PSHE:  Long term plan — mixed-age, please see our  RSE & PSHE: Progression of skills and knowledge — mixed-age.

RSE & PSHE: Progression of skills and knowledge — mixed-age

This downloadable document is meant for those following our RSE & PSHE: Long-term plan — mixed-age. It shows how Kapow Primary’s RSE & PSHE scheme develops skills and knowledge from EYFS through to Year 5/6 in each of our key areas: Families and relationships, Health and wellbeing, Safety and the changing body, Citizenship and Economic wellbeing. For each skill and knowledge statement, it details in which year group or cycle the learning is covered.

If you follow our standard RSE & PSHE: Long-term plan, then please see our RSE & PSHE: Progression of skills and knowledge

If you follow our RSE & PSHE: Long-term plan — condensed, then please see our  RSE & PSHE; Progression of skills and knowledge — condensed 

Computing: Progression of skills and knowledge – Condensed

Gives an overview of the skills and knowledge covered in each year group and strand and how these develop through our ‘condensed’ Computing scheme of work, for those using our Computing: Long-term plan – condensed version.

Please note that the Condensed long-term plan does not cover all the skills and knowledge covered in our full scheme of work. It does, however, ensure that children are given opportunities to work towards all of the attainment targets set out in the National Curriculum.

If you would like to see the skills and knowledge covered in each unit, then please see our Computing key skills and knowledge by unit.

If you are following our standard  Computing long-term plan, then please use the Computing: Progression of skills and knowledge.

If you are following our Mixed-age Computing long-term plan, then please use the accompanying Progression of skills and knowledge – mixed-age 


Computing: Progression of skills and knowledge

This downloadable progression of skills and knowledge document shows how Kapow Primary’s Computing scheme of work develops pupils’ skills and knowledge across the following strands: Digital literacy, Information technology and Computer science and across the key areas: Computing systems and networks, Programming, Data handling, Creating media and Online safety.

If you would like to see the skills and knowledge covered in each unit, then please see our Computing key skills and knowledge by unit

If you are following our Mixed-age Computing long-term plan, then please use the accompanying Progression of skills and knowledge – mixed-age 

If you are following our Condensed Computing long-term plan, then please use the accompanying Progression of skills and knowledge – condensed




Computing: Key skills and knowledge by unit

Aimed at the class / Computing teacher, this document shows the skills covered in each unit from EYFS – Year 6.  It also gives three to five key knowledge statements for each unit.

It is invaluable if you wish to adapt our scheme of work to suit your school without adversely affecting progression.

The  symbol, shows the units which form our Computing: Long-term plan — condensed.

If you would like to see an overview of progression through the whole school, then please see our Computing: Progression of skills and knowledge.

Music: Long-term plan — mixed-age

Please note this document has recently been updated to reflect changes to our Music curriculum. Please see p.3/4 for more information.

This Music Long-term plan — mixed-age version gives a suggested order for teaching our full Music curriculum in a mixed-age setting covering:


Key Stage 1 Music – Years 1 & 2
Lower Key Stage 2 Music – Years 3 &4
Upper Key Stage 2 Music – Years 5 & 6

For Reception, see EYFS Music lessons.


This mixed-age planning organises our units into a two-year rolling programme with Cycle A and Cycle B units to be taught alternately. Each of the units are hyperlinked and we have included two units: South Africa and Caribbean from our Instrumental scheme as well to ensure that you are covering the Model music curriculum’s recommendation that pupils in Year 3 and 4 should have the opportunity to learn a whole class instrumental programme for a minimum of one term.


There is a Music: Progression of skills and knowledge — mixed-age document which accompanies this version of the long-term plan.

What’s coming to Art and design in 2022?

Music: Key skills and knowledge by unit

Please note this document was recently updated to reflect changes to our long-term plan. See the Music: Long-term plan to find out more about these changes.

Aimed at the class / music teacher, this document shows the skills covered in each unit from the Music scheme of work for EYFS – Year 6 and provides knowledge statements for each unit.

It is invaluable if you wish to adapt our scheme of work to suit your school without adversely affecting progression.

The symbol, shows the units which form our Condensed long-term plan. Almost all of the same skills that occur in our full curriculum are covered, and those which are not are identified on this document.

If you would like to see an overview of progression through the whole school, then please see our Music: Progression of skills and knowledge.

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