Design and technology deep dive readiness checklist

Art and design: Staff presentation

This presentation is your gateway to our Art & design scheme, highlighting our innovative approach, alignment with the national curriculum, and dedicated CPD support. Our staff presentation serves two purposes:

New to Art & Design?
This presentation is the ideal introduction if your school is new to our Art & Design scheme. We highlight the standout features of our scheme, providing a great starting point for staff to explore.

Curious About Joining?
For those interested in exploring the benefits of Kapow Primary, this presentation is your starting point. It’s a powerful tool to raise awareness about what Kapow Primary can bring to your school. After the presentation, we recommend signing up for a 14-day school free trial. This way, your colleagues can dive into the scheme themselves and experience its full potential.


Start your creative journey with our Art & Design curriculum today!

Original Art and design scheme: Long-term plan — condensed

This long-term plan is suitable for use with the original Kapow Primary Art and design scheme.

We recommend that schools no longer use this scheme and transition to our revised Art and design scheme. Within our revised Art and design scheme, you will find planning and assessment materials, videos, blogs, subject leader support documents and lots more for KS1, LKS2 and UKS2

The condensed version of the Long-term plan for Art and design is for schools that teach Art and design for just 18 weeks in the school year. While the plan is condensed and does not provide the full breadth of lessons provided in our standard Art and design plan, it fulfils the national curriculum requirements for KS1 and KS2 Art and design by focusing on essential skills and knowledge.


We also offer:

  • A standard Long-term plan for schools that teach Art and design most weeks of the school year.
  • A long-term plan for teaching Art and design to mixed-age classes.
  • combined plan for schools that alternate the teaching of Art and design with Design and technology.

To download the condensed plan, click on the orange button below.

RSE & PSHE: Long-term plan — condensed

This condensed version of our RSE & PSHE scheme of work offers help to those schools who want to ensure coverage of the Relationship, sex and health education without dedicating a lesson a week to RSE & PSHE as suggested in our standard RSE & PSHE: Long-term plan.

We have ensured there is a range of themes covered and that pupils go above and beyond the statutory guidance by covering some key lessons from our Citizenship and Economic wellbeing units. This version of our Long-term plan could be used if teaching RSE & PSHE in a two-week, half termly cycle or through blocking the foundation subjects. Or it could simply be used to relieve pressure on curriculum time.

Please note that not all the skills and knowledge from our RSE& PSHE: Progression of skills and knowledge document will be covered: you are advised to see our RSE & PSHE: Progression of skills and knowledge — condensed version for further details of the skills and knowledge covered if you follow the condensed curriculum.

Original Art and design scheme: Long-term plan — mixed-age

This long-term plan is suitable for use for schools following the original Kapow Primary Art and design scheme. We recommend that schools no longer use this scheme and transition to our revised Art scheme.

The mixed-age long-term plan for Art and design is for schools to teach Art and design to mixed-age classes. The plan shows how the scheme of work fulfils the national curriculum requirements for KS1 and KS2 Art and design and includes an overview of our units and lessons and guidance on the order of teaching.

We also offer:

  • A standard Long-term plan for schools that teach Art and design most weeks of the school year.
  • A  Long-term plan — condensed for schools that teach Art and design for 18 weeks in the school year.
  • combined plan for schools that alternate the teaching of Art and design with Design and technology.

To download our standard Long-term plan, click on the orange button below.

RSE & PSHE: Long-term plan

Our full 36-week RSE & PSHE scheme of work is for schools who teach RSE & PSHE on a weekly basis.


Our Long-term plan gives a suggested order for teaching our RSE and PSHE units across the school year and explains the flexibility you have to adapt the scheme to your school.


The organisation of our RSE and PSHE curriculum into the following themes is explained: Families and relationships, Health and wellbeing, Safety and the changing body, Citizenship, Economic wellbeing and Identity (Year 6 only).


This standard version of the Long-term plan includes all of our RSE & PSHE units from EYFS: Recepetion – Year 6, giving full coverage of the statutory guidance for Relationships, Sex and Health Education and of the PSHE Association’s Programme of study.

Explore more of our RSE & PSHE scheme:



If your school is short on curriculum time, you may wish to look at our RSE and PSHE: Long-term plan – condensed version, which gives full coverage of the RSHE statutory guidance in only 20 lessons.


To see the coverage of the RSHE statutory guidance please see our Statutory guidance mapping document.


To see Kapow Primary’s lessons mapped to the PSHE Association programme of study, please see here.


RSE & PSHE: Long-term plan — mixed-age

For use if your school has mixed-age classes and are choosing to follow our mixed-age RSE & PSHE scheme of work scheme, a unique scheme which supports children in progressing year-on-year with their RSE & PSHE learning, despite the challenges of teaching the subject to a mixed-age class.


The mixed-age scheme of work fulfils the statutory requirements for Relationships and Health Education set out by the Department of Education. It also refers to the PSHE Association Programme of Study (recommended by the Department of Education).


When this RSE & PSHE scheme of work is taught in conjunction with our Computing scheme, it also covers the government’s Education for a Connected World framework (see our Education for a Connected World framework mapping).


Along with our suggestions for differentiation included in each lesson plan, this document will enable you to support progress between year groups, despite the challenges of mixed-age teaching. If you would like to see our standard Long-term plan or condensed plan for teaching RSE & PSHE, see RSE and PSHE Long-term plans

D&T: Long-term plan — mixed-age

This D&T Long-term plan — mixed-age version suggests an order for teaching our full Design and technology primary curriculum in a mixed-age setting with Year 1/2, 3/4 and 5/6 classes.

Our units are organised into a two-year rolling programme with Cycle A and Cycle B units to be taught alternately.

The organisation of our Design and technology curriculum is also explained, detailing the strands that thread through every unit: Design, Make, Evaluate and Technical knowledge. Each unit is hyperlinked, and a short description of the content gives you an overview of Kapow’s Design and technology curriculum. A D&T: Progression of skills and knowledge- mixed-age document accompanies this version of the long-term planning.


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