A handy document mapping Kapow Primary's RSE/PSHE lessons and Computing lessons for each year group to show coverage of the Education for a Connected World framework statements.
What is the Education for a Connected World framework?
- Self-image and identity.
- Online relationships.
- Online reputation.
- Online bullying.
- Managing online information.
- Health, wellbeing and lifestyle.
- Privacy and security.
- Copyright and ownership.
Why does my school need this document?
Safeguarding, including online safety, is a whole-school concern. It is crucial to plan digital education for young people across the entire curriculum as part of a whole-school approach to online safety.
This document maps the statements from the Education for a Connected World framework against Kapow Primary’s Computing and PSHE/RSE units for each year group, showing when a unit covers the statement from the framework. Each unit is hyperlinked for easy access.
By providing this information, this document supports subject coordinators, school leaders, teachers and other interested parties to:
- Create a comprehensive, relevant and development-focused curriculum for online safety.
- Review and assess the current online safety education provided.
- Coordinate the delivery of online safety education throughout the curriculum.
- Increase engagement within the school community on topics relating to online safety.
- Provide effective training for staff members.