Our full 36-week RSE & PSHE scheme of work is for schools that teach weekly RSE & PSHE.
Our long-term plan suggests an order for teaching our RSE and PSHE units across the school year and explains the flexibility you have to adapt the scheme to your school.
The organisation of our RSE and PSHE curriculum into the following themes is explained: Families and relationships, Health and wellbeing, Safety and the changing body, Citizenship, Economic wellbeing and Identity (Year 6 only).
This standard version of the Long-term plan includes all of our RSE & PSHE units from EYFS: Recepetion - Year 6, giving full coverage of the statutory guidance for Relationships, Sex and Health Education and of the PSHE Association's Programme of study.
Explore more of our RSE & PSHE scheme:
- EYFS scheme of work for RSE & PSHE.
- Year 1/Year 2 scheme of work for RSE & PSHE.
- Year 3/Year 4 scheme of work for RSE & PSHE.
- Year 5/Year 6 scheme of work for RSE & PSHE.
If your school is short on curriculum time, you may wish to look at our RSE and PSHE: Long-term plan - condensed version, which covers RSHE statutory guidance in only 20 lessons.
To see the coverage of the RSHE statutory guidance please see our Statutory guidance mapping document.
To see how Kapow Primary's lessons are mapped to the PSHE Association, see Mapping to the PSHE Association Programme of study.
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