This condensed version of our RSE & PSHE scheme of work offers help to schools that want to ensure coverage of Relationship, sex and health education without dedicating a lesson a week to RSE & PSHE, as suggested in our standard RSE & PSHE: Long-term plan.
We have ensured that a range of themes are covered and that pupils go above and beyond the statutory guidance by covering some key lessons from our Citizenship and Economic wellbeing units. This version of our long-term plan could be used if teaching RSE & PSHE in a two-week, half-termly cycle or through blocking the foundation subjects. Or it could be used to relieve pressure on curriculum time.
Please note that not all the skills and knowledge from our RSE& PSHE: Progression of skills and knowledge document will be covered: you are advised to see our RSE & PSHE: Progression of skills and knowledge — condensed version for further details of the skills and knowledge covered if you follow the condensed curriculum.
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