This is for use if your school has mixed-age classes and you are choosing to follow our mixed-age RSE & PSHE scheme of work. This unique scheme supports children in progressing year-on-year with their RSE & PSHE learning despite the challenges of teaching the subject to a mixed-age class.
The mixed-age scheme of work fulfils the statutory requirements for Relationships and Health Education set out by the Department of Education. It also refers to the PSHE Association Programme of Study (recommended by the Department of Education).
When this RSE & PSHE scheme of work is taught in conjunction with our Computing scheme, it also covers the government’s Education for a Connected World framework (see our Education for a Connected World framework mapping).
This document, along with our suggestions for differentiation included in each lesson plan, will enable you to support progress between year groups despite the challenges of mixed-age teaching. If you would like to see our standard Long-term plan or condensed plan for teaching RSE and PSHE, see RSE and PSHE Long-term plans.
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