Key stage 1
These units and lessons have been retired and are no longer being updated or aligned with our progression and planning. They may not align with the latest DfE guidance. New and updated alternatives are available.

Y1 Formal elements of art
Exploring shape, line and colour: mixing and painting with secondary colours, using circles to create...

Art and design skills
Developing drawing, design, craft and art appreciation skills; exploring two different printing techniques, using 2D...

Landscapes using different media (Themes: The seaside, Castles)
Experimenting with different art materials to create texture. Example theme: The seaside, alternative theme: Castles.

Sculptures and collages (Theme: Living things)
On the theme of the natural world, children create sculptures, collages, 3D models of creatures...

Formal elements of art
Pattern, texture and tone: creating printed patterns using everyday objects, taking rubbings using different media...

Art and design skills
Design, drawing, craft, painting and art appreciation: replicating the recognisable crockery of Clarice Cliff, exploring...

Human form
Exploring how bodies and faces are portrayed in art: looking at works of art, creating...

Sculpture and mixed media (Theme: Superheroes)
Sculpture, pop art, drawing to portray emotions and taking inspiration from the works of Roy...