
Art and design Year 2: Formal elements of art

Exploring the formal elements of art: pattern, texture and tone; children will create printed patterns using everyday objects; take rubbings using different media and learn how to make their drawings three dimensional.


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Lesson 1: Pattern: Repeating patterns

Having looked at the patterns around them, children dip everyday objects in paint to create repeating patterns, varying the direction of the pattern and colours of the paint and paper

Lesson 2: Texture 1: Taking rubbings (Original scheme)

Using media of their choosing, children go in search of textures that interest them to take rubbings of

Lesson 3: Texture 2: Frottage (Original scheme)

Children are introduced to 'frottage', tearing their rubbings from the previous lesson to make pictures in the style of the artist who created the technique, Max Ernst

Lesson 4: Tone 1: 3D Pencil drawings (Original scheme)

Using tone to make an observational line drawing look three dimensional and exploring different gradients of pencil.

Learning Objective

To draw using tone to create a 3D effect.

Lesson 5: Tone 2: 3D colour drawings - Option 1

Applying understanding of tone to create 3D drawings of the solar system using colourful pastels and chalks.

Lesson 5: Tone 2: 3D colour drawings - Option 2: Christmas themed

Applying understanding of tone to create a 3D Christmas-themed drawing, using colourful pastels and chalks.

Learning Objective

To apply an understanding of tone to create a 3D drawing

Assess your pupils

Assessment resources for use at the start of the unit to assess where pupils are in their learning and at the end of the unit to assess progress. Go to assessment resources
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