
Archived: Electrical Systems: Static electricity

Exploring the science behind static electricity and applying this new knowledge to generate ideas for and make a static electricity game.


This unit is archived. Our revised unit is aligned to current guidance. Visit the new unit

Please note

This unit has been replaced by the unit Electrical systems: Electric poster and will no longer be updated.

Choose your lesson

Electronics Lesson 1: Static magic

In this fun lesson, children learn about how static electricity can cause objects to move

Lesson 2: Electrostatic game design

Applying their knowledge from the previous lesson, children design a game which uses static electricity

Lesson 3: Electrostatic game manufacture

Using a range of materials, children build their electrostatic game in accordance to their designs from the previous lesson

Lesson 4: Electrostatic game evaluation

Pupils test the effectiveness of their games and evaluate them against their success criteria

Assess your pupils

Assessment resources for use at the start of the unit to assess where pupils are in their learning and at the end of the unit to assess progress. Go to assessment resources
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