
Archived unit: Digital world: Mindful moments timer

Exploring what mindfulness means and writing design criteria to fulfil a brief to develop a programmed product for timing a mindful moment.


This unit is archived. Our revised unit is aligned to current guidance. Visit the new unit

Please note

This unit has been replaced by the unit *NEW* Digital world: Mindful moments timer and will no longer be updated.


Lesson 1: Mindfulness and existing technology

To create a design criteria for an electronic timer based on analysis of existing products

Lesson 2: Programming timers

To apply understanding of computer programming to instruct and control a Micro:bit to function as a timer

Lesson 3: Prototypes

To design, make and develop a prototype case for my mindful moment timer

Lesson 4: Brand identity

To design a logo for a mindfulness company using computer-aided design

Key skills

  • Writing design criteria for

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Key knowledge

  • To understand what variables

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Key vocabulary




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