French sport and the Olympics
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Please note
This unit has been replaced by the unit *Updated* French sport and the Olympics. This unit will no longer be updated. To continue using the original version of this unit, please see the lessons below.
Unit outcomes
Pupils who are secure will be able to:
- Pronounce the name of a sport accurately and confidently.
- Construct simple sentences to say whether or not they play a sport and whether or not they like a sport.
- Locate some countries on a map.
- Identify some of the French country names using cognates and near cognates.
- Use the correct form of aller and the correct preposition in most cases in written exercises.
- Show good understanding of P.E. action verbs and pronounce the words accurately.
- Show good understanding and pronunciation of words and phrases about sport and construct simple sentences about sports that they like or do not like.
- Follow the basic rules of pétanque.
- Write an interview article in French, using a writing frame, about a chosen Olympic sport and imagined visit to the Olympic Games.
Suggested prior learning
Unit 5: Verbs in a French week
Get startedLessons
Lesson 1: Sports in French
Lesson 2: France and around the world
Lesson 3: France – ready to go!
Lesson 4: La compétition – Le Tour de France
Lesson 5: French boules – pétanque
Lesson 6: The French go to the Olympic Games
Key skills
Language comprehension
- Beginning
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Key knowledge
- To know
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Key vocabulary
je joue
je fais
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Related content
Unit resources
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Cross-curricular opportunities
‘Pupils should be taught to:
- locate the world’s countries, using maps to focus on Europe (including the location of Russia) and North and South America, concentrating on their environmental regions, key physical and human characteristics, countries, and major cities’