Key stage 1
These units and lessons have been retired and are no longer being updated or aligned with our progression and planning. They may not align with the latest DfE guidance. New and updated alternatives are available.

Archived unit: Classical music, dynamics and tempo (Theme: Animals)
Note: this unit has been replaced by the unit Tempo (Theme: Snail and mouse) and...

Archived unit: Pulse and rhythm (Theme: All about me)
Note: this unit has been replaced by the unit *NEW* Keeping the pulse (Theme: My...

Archived unit: Musical vocabulary (Theme: Under the sea)
Note: this unit has been replaced by the unit *NEW* Musical symbols (Theme: Under the...

Archived unit: Timbre and rhythmic patterns (Theme: Fairytales)
Note: this unit has been replaced by the unit *NEW* Sound patterns (Theme: Fairytales) and...

Archived unit: Pitch and tempo (Theme: Superheroes)
Note: this unit has been replaced by the unit *NEW* Pitch (Theme: Superheroes) and will...

Archived unit: Vocal and body sounds (Theme: By the sea)
Note: this unit has been replaced by the unit *NEW* Dynamics (Theme: Seaside) and will...

Archived unit: West African call and response song (Theme: Animals)
Note: this unit has been replaced by the unit *NEW* Call and response (Theme: Animals)...

Archived unit: Orchestral instruments (Theme: Traditional Western stories)
Note: this unit has been replaced by the unit *NEW* Instruments (Theme: Musical storytelling) and...

Archived unit: Musical me
Note: this unit has been replaced by the unit *NEW* Pitch (Theme: Musical me) and...

Archived unit: On this island: British songs and sounds
Note: this unit has been replaced by the unit *NEW* Singing (Theme: On this island) and...

Archived unit: Dynamics, timbre, tempo and motifs (Theme: Space)
Note: this unit has been replaced by the unit *NEW* Contrasting dynamics (Theme: Space) and...

Archived unit: Myths and legends
Note: this unit has been replaced by the unit *NEW* Structure (Theme: Myths and legends) and...