
Archived unit: Classic music, dynamics and tempo

Children use their bodies and instruments to listen and respond to pieces of classical music that represent animals. They learn and perform a song as a class and compose a short section of music as a group, with a focus on dynamics and tempo.


This unit is archived. Our revised unit is aligned to current guidance. Visit the new unit

Please note

This unit has now been replaced by the Year 1 unit Tempo (Theme: Snail and mouse). It is no longer being updated.


Lesson 1: Classical music, dynamics and tempo: Percussive animals

To use percussion and my body expressively in response to music

Lesson 2: Classical music, dynamics and tempo: Singing animals

To sing a song in sections

Lesson 3: Classical music, dynamics and tempo: Performing animals

To perform a song

Lesson 4: Classical music, dynamics and tempo: Composing animals

To use instruments to create different sounds

Lesson 5: Classical music, dynamics and tempo: The story of the lion

To create and choose sounds

Key skills

  • Recognising basic tempo, dynamic

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Key knowledge

  • To understand that sounds

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Key vocabulary




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Knowledge organiser – Music Y1: Classical music, dynamics and tempo (Animals)

Aimed at pupils, a single page which gives key facts and definitions from the unit ‘Classical music, dynamics and tempo…

Subject resources


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