
Archived unit: Timbre and rhythmic patterns

Through fairy tales, children are introduced to the concept of timbre; learning that different sounds can represent characters and key moments in a story. They explore clapping along to the syllables of words and phrases before creating rhythmic patterns to tell a familiar fairy tale.


This unit is archived. Our revised unit is aligned to current guidance. Visit the new unit

Please note

This unit has now been replaced by the Year 1 unit Sound patterns (Theme: Fairytales) and will no longer be updated.


Lesson 1: Timbre and rhythmic patterns: Character voices

  • To use voices expressively to speak and chant well-known phrases from fairy tales.

Lesson 2: Timbre and rhythmic pattern: Starting with instruments

  • To select suitable instrumental sounds to represent a character in a fairy tale.

Lesson 3: Timbre and rhythmic patterns: Rhythms

  • To compose and play a rhythm.

Lesson 4: Timbre and rhythmic patterns: Responding to music

  • To recognise how timbre is used to represent characters in a piece of music.

Lesson 5: Timbre and rhythmic patterns: Keeping the pulse

  • To keep the pulse using untuned instruments.

Key skills

  • Recognising and understanding the

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Key knowledge

  • To know that an

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Key vocabulary




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Vocabulary display: Timbre and rhythmic patterns

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