
Archived unit: Musical vocabulary

Journey into the unknown and explore under the sea through music, movement, chanting and the playing of tuned percussion instruments.


This unit is archived. Our revised unit is aligned to current guidance. Visit the new unit

Please note

This unit has now been replaced by the Year 1 unit Musical symbols (Theme: Under the sea) and will no longer be updated.


Lesson 1: Pulse and tempo: Dive into danger!

  • To learn the musical vocabulary: pulse and tempo.

Lesson 2: Dynamics and timbre: Underwater world

  • To explain what dynamics and timbre are.

Lesson 3: Pitch and rhythm: Underwater world

  • To explain what pitch and rhythm are.

Lesson 4: Texture and structure: Coral reef

  • To explain what texture and structure are.

Lesson 5: Musical vocabulary

  • To understand key musical vocabulary: dynamics, pitch, pulse, rhythm, structure, tempo, texture, timbre.

Key skills

  • Recognising and understanding the

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Key knowledge

  • To understand that pitch

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Key vocabulary




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